RE: Catholic bishops advance plan to rebuke Biden over abortion
So...back closer to topic of thread, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is not necessarily an official organization of the church, but it can have some influence by the collective sentiments of its members. I would not say that that particular organization has been all that conservative in recent decades, which is a shame, and many pray the bishops here will return to more traditional values in the hopes of making a better and more God-fearing world.
The poster above who said the younger generation of semanarians and priests are generally more conservative and less prone to problems of the recent past is on the mark, IMO. Being a Catholic priest today, I would say that you come into it aware of the issues and problems that have preceeded. I find when I speak with today's semanarians, they are more faith-filled and convicted to set a better example than their previous generation of leaders did. This gives me great hope for the future. There are many brave and good men coming into the church to be its next generation of priests and deacons, and they far, far outnumber the few who would try to rot it from within. The time of those men is passing, and a renewal of the clergy, along with a renewal of many of the lay church congregation, through things like increased dedication to home-school groups and families, interest in larger traditional families, bible studies and outreach ministires bodes well for Christ's church's future.
Priests take vows and wear rings, showing their betrothal to the church, which is their bride. They are fully aware that this is what they are doing. They understand they cannot be married to more than one. It makes logical sense in the context of marriage as described in the bible by Jesus and the apostles. I understand some do not agree with this idea, but that does not make it valid or any less scriptural.
As to Jesus' teachings, well nowhere in the Bible does it describe a scriptural Table of Contents, so the idea of solo scriptura is self-refuting, as only church tradition teaches and specifies what books are in the bible in the first place. Without an outside organization with authority to set what is and is not in scripture, the idea of solo scriptura falls apoart. Jesus gave his chosen apostolic church leaders that authority. Did some or have some abused it over the years? Certainly. Was this a aurprise to Jesus or to God? Not really. Does that make Christ's church any less than the authoritative home of the fullness of the faith as Christ himself assigned and described? Most certainly not. No man can fully know the mind of God, but in his church he has the best chance at approaching holiness, by submitting to the divine will of God. It is up to the choicen free will of man to seek it, and the divine grace of God to grant it or withhold it. Now, centuries after Christ, many men have thought they knew better than jesus, and they split off to start their own versions. But while they may certainly retain some truth, they fall short of the full turh described by Christ resting in the authority of his church. There is zero referenece anywhere in the bible to the doctrine of solo scriptura, but it was invented centuries after Christ by men because they were upset at some of what they saw going on by some of the men leading the church. Understandible, but not a reason to go off and invent something that certainly was never described by Christ or in the Bible that was cannonized by the authority that Christ gave his church. So it is not biblical or scriptural itself.
Is the Bible autored by God? Certainly as it is the inspired word of God. But why then do men who claim the Bible as their authority, seek to avoid the very authority it describes, that Christ himslef describes and assignes very clearly to his church, and why do they instead favor a lesser creation of a church instead of the one Christ ordained? I can't answer the exact motivations of such men, but it seems clear they are not fully Christ-centered, and it is always a bad idea to follow mammon rather than submit to the will of God and the church his son assigned authority and ordained, even with imperfect, and yes, even occasionally sinful men that might at times lead it. Again, if that were so, you would certainly never have had Christ choose either St. Peter or especially Judas as apostles. The two ideas are essentially opposed. The idea that only perfect human beings (of which there was only Christ and his Mother) would vever have authority to lead his church is naieve at best and blasphemous against Christ's own words at worst. I'll let God be the judge of that, but I don't wish to go against Christ or his church thinking I have a better idea than a powert that could create a whole universe and redeem man in it.
Biden* and the communists certainly have the right to exercise theri free will in making their bad decisions. I sure wouldn't want to be thenmwhen it comes time to answer for those decisions, and I suspect neither would most of you. It is a struggle, and some men are stronger in some areas than others. Certainly, the idea of celibacy is anathema to many, but just as certainly not to all, and I for one am not as doubtful of the power, will and grace of Gid to grant that ability to those who seek it. Any man that so doubts God's abilities, doubts God himself. It is a pity so many men have been led to openly doubts God's authority, his will, his grace in the name of their own vanities, no matter how much merit some of their ideas may have. You don't necessarily need the Bible to know God, but you do need to bothknow and ovbey God to have a Bible in the first place. Many are saved by God's grace that never heard his word. It is not up to you or me to decide. And If God can create a universe from his divine will, he can certainly save anyone he pleases in any way he pleases, with or without a version of the Bible. The Bible is a tool that ceratianly helps, but remember, satan himself was an excellent does not live by quotes alone, but by submitting to the will of God, which is the authority that God himself in his son Jesus described, in his church, and in his imperfect apostles he chose to lead it on earth until he returns. Bashing his church is akin to bashing God's divine will. If he wills imperfect men to be in charge from time to time, perhaps he is trying to show us something, but turning away from him is ceratinly not what he has in mind. No matter how good or nice some other mens' ideas may be, they simply do not have the authorty to usurp God or Jesus, but it is an eternal shame that many still try.