I'm going to present this as scientific and non politically biased as possible without presenting graphs. I tend to think deep down if one lived long enough, they've literally seen the social decay first hand or via any news source. And oddly enough, our music industry has also been displayed this trend. Music theory has proven that music in the 60's and 70's was more intricate, more layered and had more depth and meaning. I personally prefer 90's music myself, but theory has proven me wrong on this topic. You can look at past empires like the Romans or the Bronze Age Collapse and see a correlation between art and social order collapse.
60 years ago things like mental illness, guns, bad parents, drug addiction, alcohol abuse and homelessness all existed. So what really changed between the 1960's and today? How are these problems so much worse that a political wing things that getting rid of guns is the answer when in reality that's akin to putting a band-aid on cancer. I'll argue that each of these problems being projected as singular issues even though they're all a interweb of fuckery that's related to the underlying problem.
Ultimately the underlying issue is globalism, and it's effects on our social order. 60 years ago the traditional family of four, five or six had a single breadwinner and stay at home parent. Globalism effected our ability to compete with global trade. Our jobs went to Mexico, Japan, China and to a lesser extent India, Vietnam, and Thailand.
As a result of the loss of jobs, a single income became no longer sufficient enough income to get by in daily life, let alone and safe enough money to send Johnny and Jenny to college. Throughout the decades even two incomes aren't sufficient to get by forcing people to get two or even three jobs.
I don't think it takes rocket science to corroborate the relationship between economics and social order. When the economy is well, people are happy; when it is terrible, people are depressed.
With both parents working multiple jobs, there's very little family time. We don't need science to prove that parents that participate in their children's education relates to their children being more successful in the classroom than parents that aren't involved. Same applies for mental nurturing. Who and what do children turn to when their parents are working multiple jobs; perhaps a coach, a teacher, friends, a pastor, then on the flip side, awful friends and drugs.
When times are rough, married couples tend to argue. Individuals, in-general, tend to find their way to alcohol, drugs, affairs, or anything else that makes them happy, which often-times, leads to divorce and the creation of the nuclear family or single parenting. The nuclear family or a single parent household isn't great for a child's mental health, because of the lack of moral support. I wouldn't say that this in general makes these bad parents, whatsoever; it just means they have to work to make ends meet. If they don't work, their kids starve, their house gets foreclosed, they get evicted from their apartment, and so on. That's just a tough juggling act that leads to alcoholism, drug abuse or whatever.
Nobody does a drug when their lives are well off. People tend to drink or use hard drugs to get away from whatever pain they're dealing with. Due to many of our childhoods, 40 & below; perhaps 50 & below, many of us lack the ability to be open and talk to our loved ones about our issues; which ultimately leads to self-destructive tendencies.
School/mass shootings, and teen suicide, is definitely a biproduct of this. Bullying existed 60+ years ago. Hell, bullying existed thousands of years ago; bullying exists in other animals, especially predator's. So if bullying practically always existed, why is bullying such an issue in today's world. The answer has to lie in the fact that parents aren't able to provide the moral support that kids 60 year's ago received. How can we expect boys to "toughen up" when there's not a father there to "toughen them up!?!" Such bullying leads to a kids bullying others, bullying animals, going on mass shootings, going to drugs, suicide, or finding something positive like art to vent their frustrations like poetry or music (see Eminem).
I do think there's some merit to the argument that mental asylums shouldn't have closed so many decades ago, and does think that there more that needs to be done as opposed to sending patients home on medications. I also see the loss of religion having merit in this as well. If parents don't care to send their kids to church what kind of structure or positive outlet do they really have?
If we don't get to the bottom of this as a society, maybe even as a planet; this could certainly lead to revolution or even the fracturing of our country. I see this as a national security threat. This kind of social collapse could break the world's economy and have an effect similar to that of the Bronze Age Collapse. My question is, when will society want to have a serious discussion on this, as opposed to using guns and mental health as scapegoats?