RE: New Grim Reaper Death Thread
Back when Sirius-XM first came out, Astros were playing at Dodgers and I tuned in to the Dodger feed because I would rather listen to Scully than Milo, any day. Anyway, Craig Biggio came up to bat. To set the stage, I have been a huge Astros fan since the Colt .45 days, Biggio has always been one of my all-time favorite Astros, and I have even met him a couple of times through our mutual friend, the late and great Frankie Mandola. In the course of that one plate appearance, Scully told me four things about Craig Biggio that I had never known before.
Perhaps at the other end of the preparation scale, I may have heard the one time that Scully got caught unprepared. I was in Long Beach for my two-week Naval Reserve duty, and driving back from lunch at the O-club, I had the Dodger game on the radio. They used to (may still) have some "businessmen's special" weekday home games that started at noon. Being LA/Hollywood, a number of the businessmen attending were motion picture executives, and in the hope of being discovered, a number of aspiring starlets would show up in various stages of undress and try to attract attention. Coming back from a mid-inning advert/station break, Scully is describing in great detail the antics of one such (apparently very attractive) starlet on top of the visiting dugout. All of a sudden, he exclaims, "I must apologize, my friends, Steve Garvey has apparently just hit a home run, because he is jogging around the bases, and I did not see the play. But I can assure you, had you been in my place, you would have been watching that starlet, too."