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Recap of Penders interview on local sports station
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uhmump95 Offline
Race Pimp

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Post: #1
[quote]Here is what I can remember, from the hour+ long commercial free interview Ralph Cooper did with TP. A lot of it I am sure you have heard before.

Scheduling. This years schedule is pretty much locked up, we will schedule UP in the future and have some marquee names coming to Houston. Also mentioned that we are setting up a series with UCLA and will have a game in 2008 with them to commemorate the Game of the Century. Wonder if we will play it in the Dome?

A caller asked about having a local tourney, UH/TSU/RICE/LAMAR/a*m/PV etc… to show case local teams. Tom didn’t completely dismiss the idea, and said we would be wiling to play whomever, he clearly didn’t seem real excited about this. Sounds like Ray has already informed him how bush league TSU is. I wouldn’t play them for a while. I wouldn’t mind playing PV though.

Lot of callers called up, welcomed to UH, wished him the best, and then talked basketball history stuff. Lots of Stories were swapped with folks on such topics as the famous Rucker Summer league in NYC. TP is a really into BBALL history and talked a lot about guys like Walt Frazier, Earl the Pearl, etc… Really interesting to listen to. Also talked about working with Shaq during his summers off from LSU and that how Shaq still calls him on occasion.

Caller asked about tickets next year. TP explained that the place will be rocking. He said Dave Maggard is working out details that will make games much more reasonable priced, and affordable by any and everyone. (editorial: FINALLY! I have only been preaching that since Clyde was here.) Also said there will be some red and white games and other things going on. He sounded very excited about the promotional work we are doing.

Caller asked about our post play and new big men. He commented on how excited he is to have George Walker on the staff, and that he is one of the best big man coaches in the country (TP mentioned this about 5 times through the show). E. Miller has been working with George Walker a lot. He is up to 215lb’s, came in as a freshman at 190. If he were coming out of HS now, he would have 100 offers from D1 school. Looks for Miller to really help in the low post. Said the new guys are all cut and big. Said they are hard workers and soldiers in the paint.

On next year and the record… Ralph Cooper asked “you won 9 ball games last year coach, how much can you improve on that
05-14-2004 11:09 AM
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