Bench Warmer

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Lemarcus Rowell, a projected backup lb for the Auburn Tigers this season, was arrested early Sunday morning in Opelika, Al for dui, possession of marijuana, and most important of all, possession of a pistol without a permit. Dumb azz was suspended indefinately, and in my opinion, should be kicked off the team and sent to some piss ****** div. 2 school immediately. This is the kid who was screwed by the NCAA Clearinghouse a few years ago over a math class and then pisses his future away by pulling a boneheaded move like this. I can handle the pot, i can even understand the dui (who hasnt drove when they had a few too many), but the gun charge is a no brainer. Lets go Tuberville, Show some cajones and kick him off.
bradley :mad:
07-07-2003 08:09 PM |
All American

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If Tub feels like he needs the guy, he won't boot him, provided he's one of Tub's recruits. When are some of these athletes going to get it through their thick skulls that they have to be held to a higher standard than everyone else. They are in the public eye, and they have to set an example, especially for the kids who look up to them.
We had a couple of basketball players who had a run-in with the law before last season, and it is frustrating to see these things happen.
07-07-2003 11:16 PM |

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I agree Wiz. And I've gotta give my man auburnfan71 some credit here. Most fans would just dismiss this behavior by an athlete from THEIR school and support it to the hilt when other fans bad-mouth it. But, you have stuck to your guns and told it like it was. I respect that!
07-08-2003 12:06 AM |
Bench Warmer

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He was going to backup D. Thomas at Lb. He was the best available backup. Word is that he will transfer due to his problems in his hometown of Opelika. Bad influences. I personally hope he's already gone.
07-08-2003 02:33 PM |