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Yo Brad
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calling_the_hogs Offline
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Enjoy your last few days as a bachelor my friend 04-cheers

Just a word of advice though: For your bachelor party, don't go to Arety's Angels in Pensacola. Too many Bama fans in there for you to really enjoy yourself. "It's rolling, baby, it's rolling!"

Congrats again from myself and the HOG nation

WPS 04-cheers 04-drinky 04-drinky 04-drinky 04-drinky
07-10-2003 08:41 PM
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auburnfan71 Offline
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Thanks Josh,
Yes counting down and almost have as many days as bama has mythical national championships. Getting closer and closer.

07-11-2003 09:19 AM
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calling_the_hogs Offline
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What..you still have 21,952 days left to go? 03-lol

Remember, Bama's MNC count is all done by an equation...aka fuzzy math

MNC = tr^s

t = times put on probation in the last 5 years
r = # of wins Bummer fans think they should win or else
s = # of strippers at the last Bama recruiting session

In this case... t = 2, r = 14, and s = 3

That makes it 28^5, or 21,952 MNCs Bama claims to have won

Man Brad...this is one LONG engagement. Props to a very patient fiancee

07-11-2003 10:26 AM
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adriannekuch Offline
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I'll pretend I never saw any of that.

07-22-2003 08:06 PM
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