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Post: #21
RE: Civility
(01-02-2018 02:56 PM)NIU007 Wrote:  
(01-02-2018 02:53 PM)HuskieFootball Addict Wrote:  
(01-02-2018 11:24 AM)Dog Fan Wrote:  
(01-02-2018 09:38 AM)Rabid Squirrel Wrote:  
(01-02-2018 09:33 AM)NIUfrank Wrote:  Got ya. I wasn't there. I'll defer to the veterans. If that is reason I still think he shouldn't be banned.

But why was board better years ago? More heated debates or just because team was better?

Mostly just because the team was better and people were happier. People are just edgier these days with turmoil the team has faced. The board is fine and its great to get new posters and new blood involved. 99.9% everyone is pretty cool.

I think this is it.

As time has gone on - in social media as well - people hide behind the anonymity of a place like this and really can tend to be downright rude & say things they would never say to a person's face. We as a society are losing our humanity...our compassion for others ..and I think that's sad.

One reason I have stayed away from this board more & more has been due to how nasty some folks have gotten with others. If that is being watched more carefully I applaud the mods.

MD wasn't a part of that problem though. In fact, he was a victim of it.

Exactly. In fact, I’d say the biggest perpetrator of nastiness wasn’t banned, but hasn’t posted in awhile either which has eliminated the toxicity here.

MD hardly personally attacked others. He was crazy, but civil and fine. It was others who couldn’t handle him and insulted him yet ironically pushed a movement to ban him.
01-02-2018 04:33 PM
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thxjoenovak Offline

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Post: #22
RE: Civility
No, MD02 wasn't mean but he was hijacking EVERY thread. I agree with the "time-out".

Frankly, I think it's been a better board (outside of couple of guys who really needed to get a room).... without him.

If he can adjust that aspect, I'd welcome him back.
01-02-2018 05:49 PM
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NIUfrank Offline
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Post: #23
RE: Civility
^who are those guys? This board is boring without conflict. It's like Disney around here with all the restrictions. Maybe they own csnbs?
(This post was last modified: 01-02-2018 09:01 PM by NIUfrank.)
01-02-2018 09:00 PM
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thxjoenovak Offline

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Post: #24
RE: Civility
(01-02-2018 09:00 PM)NIUfrank Wrote:  ^who are those guys? This board is boring without conflict. It's like Disney around here with all the restrictions. Maybe they own csnbs?

1) LOL. Is it still OK to LOL?

2) "Those guys"? I think DPN & somebody else...Didn't really bother me but I think that what Lord Stanley was referring to...

3) Disney doesn't own CSNbbs and there's no way "georgia_tech_swagger" would sell out...03-cloud9

4) Enjoy your comments on the board...Welcome 04-cheers
01-03-2018 10:26 AM
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NIUfrank Offline
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Post: #25
RE: Civility
I just noticed mod info seems like they are not even on here much. Most are not even niu fans? found this board by googling niu message board, but only recently noticed its a sub board for like every college team? Wonder if they make any money off this. Maybe 10 years ago but probably not now I would guess.

Edit-you can use LOL but I think it's 2005. I think it's weird that adults use it and especially annoying after each f,fuckin sentence. I think the kids are going with emojis but that seems to millenial, so I go with HAHA, kind of a compromise?
(This post was last modified: 01-03-2018 11:02 PM by NIUfrank.)
01-03-2018 10:58 PM
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VegasHuskie Offline
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Post: #26
RE: Civility
(01-02-2018 09:00 PM)NIUfrank Wrote:  ^who are those guys? This board is boring without conflict. It's like Disney around here with all the restrictions. Maybe they own csnbs?

There is the difference between the occasional snarky comment when a poster annoys you, and three pages of childish back and forth in a thread between a couple of people.

Let me spell it out for you, Frank, because you seem a little slow. I think you're kind of an idiot and you are just instigating for you own purposes. It does nothing to further this board and spark intelligent discussion.

You see, that's the snarky comment that you think is fun. Now, if you were to reply with nastiness to me, and we were to continue back and forth and take over this thread, then that is a whole different thing.
01-04-2018 01:31 AM
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NIUfrank Offline
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Post: #27
RE: Civility
Lol I don't instigate for my on purposes lol I just have different opinions. I honestly don't have time to care about an agenda.Lol I go against trends because usually when people all go one way that's when things change lol.

Just like all this Sutton Smith hype may hurt him. I'm worried he's production may drop off ala lurry now because alot of hype lol


I'm not an idiot you're and idiot banana breath
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2018 09:35 AM by NIUfrank.)
01-04-2018 09:23 AM
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Lord Stanley Offline
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Post: #28
RE: Civility
Frank, I'd be happy to help you through any questions you may have about the board. But perhaps first you start back at the top of this thread as there are many answer you are looking for already posted.

The owner of this site is not Disney.
Their are non-fan moderators on all sites.
The mods are all volunteers except the owner.
Of course the owner of this site makes money on it.
Please read the AUPs and have fun, talking NIU athletics
01-04-2018 09:32 AM
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Dog Fan Offline

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Post: #29
RE: Civility
Wow!! Name calling and a lack of civility in the civility thread!! 04-jawdrop

Gentlemen, get ready for a visit from the NIU Dog Pound Civility Police! You will get a scolding, ticket, time out, and your pee-pee whacked.

I would say a 15-minute time out would be appropriate in this instance. Give them just a warning ticket this time, but still whack their pee-pees.

[Image: Ford-Taurus-Police-Car.jpg]
01-04-2018 09:35 AM
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NIUfrank Offline
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Post: #30
RE: Civility
(01-04-2018 09:32 AM)Lord Stanley Wrote:  Frank, I'd be happy to help you through any questions you may have about the board. But perhaps first you start back at the top of this thread as there are many answer you are looking for already posted.

The owner of this site is not Disney.
Their are non-fan moderators on all sites.
The mods are all volunteers except the owner.
Of course the owner of this site makes money on it.
Please read the AUPs and have fun, talking NIU athletics

I'm pretty sure the Disney thing was a joke, don't know what AUP is and don't care that much im just posting on a board, met more conversation rhetorical on money thing. Not bad if it's enough to make a living but I don't think message boards can generate that much ad revenue these days. I'd love to invent something with minimal overhead and sit back and collect!
01-04-2018 09:42 AM
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Lord Stanley Offline
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Post: #31
RE: Civility
OK friends, enough fun for now. If you have questions about moderation send a PM to Stay Cool and myself. We will always respond.
01-04-2018 10:32 AM
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