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MAC tournament
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Blue N. Goldman Jr. Offline
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I Root For: Akron
Post: #1
MAC tournament
I love that there are Zips posters on the main board, but none will post here.

Time for Akron to finally get serious and win the tournament in decisive fashion. Then I will fly to wherever they play the first round NCAA game and watch them lose.
03-05-2017 02:35 PM
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kreed5120 Offline
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Post: #2
RE: MAC tournament
(03-05-2017 02:35 PM)Blue N. Goldman Jr. Wrote:  I love that there are Zips posters on the main board, but none will post here.

Time for Akron to finally get serious and win the tournament in decisive fashion. Then I will fly to wherever they play the first round NCAA game and watch them lose.

This is where us Akron fans congregate to talk Zips sports. You should check it out.

03-08-2017 01:27 PM
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inductchuck16 Offline

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Post: #3
RE: MAC tournament
(03-08-2017 01:27 PM)kreed5120 Wrote:  
(03-05-2017 02:35 PM)Blue N. Goldman Jr. Wrote:  I love that there are Zips posters on the main board, but none will post here.

Time for Akron to finally get serious and win the tournament in decisive fashion. Then I will fly to wherever they play the first round NCAA game and watch them lose.

This is where us Akron fans congregate to talk Zips sports. You should check it out.


Why the heck does Akron have its own website? I don't understand why some of the MAC schools do that. Why would you not just all come over here...where the majority of the rest of the league already is established? It makes sense for the entire league to be on 1 website.
03-12-2017 06:42 PM
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