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Bull Run Post Season Meal
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Bull_In_Exile Offline
Eternal Pessimist

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Post: #1
Bull Run Post Season Meal

Every game Conrad, one of our more creative writers, sets up a pre and post game meal..

The Postseason Meal will have to sustain us all until the Bulls return in 2014. The goal of the postseason meal is to Hydrate, Nutritionate and Reflect on the season that was. UB Football was record breaking in 2013, but so was UBBullrun. Only difference is UBBullrun has no talent cliff, and you never have to graduate.

The Postseason Song is: Started From the Bottom - Drake
Postseason Nutrition is: Cupcakes
Postseason Hydration is: Champagne Cocktail

There is also some info on the talent cliff that hits after this season..

Hope you enjoy the meal 03-wink

Read more: http://www.aztecmesa.proboards.com/threa...z2neLAX7Sc
12-16-2013 09:54 AM
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