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GSU Owns $7B in Downtown Real Estate
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panama Offline

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I Root For: Georgia STATE
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Post: #1
GSU Owns $7B in Downtown Real Estate

Quote:"Georgia State University - GSU is growing like kudzu and now has 32,000 students (yes, you read that right) walking around downtown. They’ve acquired - and removed from the office market - 1.2 million square feet, including 55 and 25 Park Place and 100 Auburn Avenue. GSU now owns $5.4 billion in real estate and they have another $1.5 billion in capital investment underway, including the opening of a new Law School in the Fall of 2014."

Great time to be a Panther.
(This post was last modified: 12-13-2013 11:56 PM by panama.)
12-13-2013 11:50 PM
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