1st String

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RE: ECU Midfield Logo
(11-07-2013 01:03 PM)Rowdydowdy Wrote: I have heard that Indiana was the first school to use their state on their basketball floor. If that is true, then everyone else copied them.
You are correct. After that UNC & other schools did their BkB court with their State logo.
11-10-2013 12:45 PM |
2nd String

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RE: ECU Midfield Logo
(11-10-2013 08:46 AM)GO_MONARKS Wrote: (11-09-2013 11:12 AM)Leargh! Wrote: (11-09-2013 11:01 AM)GO_MONARKS Wrote: (11-06-2013 11:25 PM)NTTHOR Wrote: unc doesn't need to copyright a copy of the state in order to have people know that unc is in north carolina...ecu does...ecu could be in either of the two carolinas, thus the reason they needed the copyright. i love the football field logo...love the pirate, but if not for the state/pirate logo inside, i wouldn't know which of the carolina's ecu was in...
ECU should consider chagning their name to ENCU or something like that so people will know what state they are in..
ODU Should change their name to Obnoxious Dunce University so people can better understand their fan base...
![[Image: TrollFaceDancing_large.gif]](http://data2.whicdn.com/images/34526944/TrollFaceDancing_large.gif)
Good Dig....
Give me time for a good comback...
I got one...
ECU = East Carolina University
11-10-2013 01:02 PM |