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How do I post a picture?
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TRest3 Offline
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Post: #1
How do I post a picture?
I tried to post a picture by making it an attachment, it uploaded the link but not the picture itself. I'm using a Mac with Safari if it matters, the picture was on my computer imported from the web.
07-21-2013 11:26 PM
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bitcruncher Offline
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Post: #2
RE: How do I post a picture?
You need to upload the image to online storage, and then post a link to it between IMAGE tags [img] ... [/img] just like you'd do for url's, but with the IMG tag instead of the URL tag...
07-22-2013 12:29 PM
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TRest3 Offline
2nd String

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Post: #3
RE: How do I post a picture?
(07-22-2013 12:29 PM)bitcruncher Wrote:  You need to upload the image to online storage, and then post a link to it between IMAGE tags [img] ... [/img] just like you'd do for url's, but with the IMG tag instead of the URL tag...
Thanks, seems pretty archaic.
07-22-2013 05:58 PM
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bitcruncher Offline
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Post: #4
RE: How do I post a picture?
It reduces the overhead on our server, since all images are stored elsewhere...
07-22-2013 06:00 PM
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RamblinRedWolf Offline
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Post: #5
RE: How do I post a picture?
I've done that but get a "broken picture image" with URL link next to it and no picture displayed (I've tried using Google photos and flick and get the same results)
03-10-2022 02:52 PM
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Stammers Offline

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Post: #6
RE: How do I post a picture?
(03-10-2022 02:52 PM)RamblinRedWolf Wrote:  I've done that but get a "broken picture image" with URL link next to it and no picture displayed (I've tried using Google photos and flick and get the same results)
11-07-2022 12:09 PM
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