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a win is a win, i guess
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zelinleaf Offline
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Post: #1
as much as i don't want to say it, i have to congratulate your team for battling till the end and pulling out with a 'W'. i have to root for a fellow c-usa member. but man was it painful to watch! :bang: What ever happen to the 'best shooting team in the conference'? i hope they can get out of the offensive funk, and especially at the charity stripe. not that uconn shoots it particularly well from the line either, but i sure hope it's going to be better than your game tonight. Regardless, it will be a good game, especially with the former assistant going up against his old coach. good luck!
03-19-2004 05:01 AM
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jarr Offline
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Post: #2
That was the most pathetic game ever. You could find a beter gsme between Elon and Grambling St. I hate to say it, but UCONN will destroy Depaul, but hopefully not.
03-20-2004 09:19 PM
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