Water Engineer
Posts: 2
Joined: Feb 2011
Reputation: 0
I Root For: Alabama
New to the NCAABBS
Hey, folks and ROLL TIDE ROLL! I was turned on to this site by a friend of mine, so I figured I'd register. I'm a lifelong 'Bama fan and grew up in Montgomery, Alabama. I joined the Coast Guard back in 2008 and I was stationed in Clearwater, Florida, but have since been to "A" School in Yorktown, Virginia and am currently stationed in Houston, Texas until 2013. I'm hoping I can get Mobile, next!
How does everyone feel about Cyrus K? I was EXTREMELY pleased that he signed with the good guys, and I look forward to seeing him play. Anyone think he may beat out Aaron Douglas for the position? I know he's bigger, but Douglas was an AA at Tennessee, so it ought to be interesting.
Are any of you members of BamaOnline? I've got a membership there, but sometimes the "insiders," can be a bit much. Anyhow, just curious on that part.
Roll Tide Roll, guys. Nice meeting you all!
02-07-2011 12:19 AM |