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Colt Baggin's journey to Mount Bryant-Denny Stadium
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scottsportshawaii Offline
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Colt Baggin's journey to Mount Bryant-Denny Stadium
[Image: hawvsala.jpg]

One Ti Leaf to rule them all, one Ti Leaf to find them, one Ti Leaf to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. The journey begins as Colt Baggins and Samwise Bess prepares for a long journey to Mount Bryant-Denny Stadium. Fleet footed and deadly accurate with a sling, Colt is an unlikely hero, small and quiet, but possessing a true noble spirit. Colt becomes the bearer of the one Ti Leaf when Bilbo Chang who used the Ti Leaf in many wonderful and exciting adventures left it to him. The task therefore falls to him to do what no one else can, destroy the Ti Leaf by casting it into the fires of Mount Bryant-Denny Stadium.

The evil and powerful Mike Sauron will do what ever it takes to try and stop Colt Baggins from completing his task. He started by recruiting large armies of ogres, orcs and mercenaries, then building them an extension to their dark fortress. Mount Bryan-Denny Stadium can now hold an overwhelming 93,000 evil soldiers. It isn?t difficult for the evil Mike Sauron to recruit the finest killers in the land because of the pride and tradition that commence from their homeland.

The loyal friend and companion of Colt Baggins, is Samwise Bess a stout hearted soul. Though simple in outlook, he is dependable and brave. His hands and quickness are his strengths and will follow Colt wherever he ventures. Samwise?s loyalty is infallible and will follow Colt as an unshakable companion even into the desolate Mount Bryant-Denny Stadium, which holds almost certain doom.

JJ the White, who has fought many battles and is wise beyond comprehension, prepares for the final battle at Mount Bryant-Denny Stadium. This powerful wizard is vital to the success of the two Hobbits and looks deep into his book of spells to find the answer.

The battle to destroy the Ti Leaf begins and the fate of mankind is in the hands of Colt and Bess. Good Luck young Warriors!
04-26-2006 02:18 AM
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