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Butler's hit to Kiwanuka
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Post: #1
Butler's hit to Kiwanuka was such a cheapshot. It was after whistle and it was an intentional attempt to take out Kiwanuka. He wasn't even as much as ejected...he should've gotten at least a games suspension. What a dirty play!
10-09-2005 11:00 AM
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BeliefBlazer Offline
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Post: #2
I saw a link to the video on one of these boards. He was suspended for 1 game, which is the least they could have done.
10-11-2005 11:50 PM
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Post: #3
Yup, he has to sit out when the Noles play Virginia this weekend. 04-rock
10-12-2005 10:52 AM
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Post: #4
Well Kiwanuka is now unable to play on Saturday his knee has been acting up ever since that hit. Personally I think Butler should have to sit out one extra game for every game Kiwanuka is out.
10-13-2005 10:01 AM
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Post: #5
Well Kiwanukas slap to Butler means what ??

Butler has to sit out a game , if Kiwanuka was hurt so bad why did he play several plays before he punched Butler in the head ??
10-13-2005 09:51 PM
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