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One Less Hairdo On The Hoops Team
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Carolina Terp

Post: #1
Haven't had time to find an online link yet, but by ESPN SportsCenter this afternoon it was announced that Mizzou PG Wesley Stokes will transfer.

One possibility, said ESPN, is that he is transferring to San Diego State. Per NCAA rules, he will have to sit out one year, so he'll not play again until 2003-2004.

05-08-2002 05:37 PM
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Post: #2
Woo hoo! I heard the same thing via a rumor. I think he will end up at SDSU!!
05-12-2002 08:46 AM
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Mr. Escobar

Post: #3
anybody know why he's leaving? I'm guessing he's homesick since I haven't heard anything about rifts between he and QS.
05-12-2002 02:05 PM
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Carolina Terp

Post: #4
I dunno about a real rift, but I know Q benched him this year when he struggled, even though he still had quite a few minutes.

I think his transferring might have to do with some PG recruits that are coming in this fall.

05-12-2002 07:43 PM
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