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MichiganTiger Offline
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Post: #1
There is a rumor going around that ULM will be merged into the La Tech system. Any truth to that or is it complete BS?
02-29-2004 02:29 PM
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SwampHound Offline
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Post: #2
Not a ULM fan but I am almost certain that the rumor you heard is BS.
02-29-2004 02:38 PM
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badgerwolf Offline
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Post: #3
I am not from Louisiana, but I do not see two bitter rivals merging :o)
02-29-2004 03:37 PM
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MichiganTiger Offline
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Post: #4
<a href='http://www.latechbbb.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=6852' target='_blank'>http://www.latechbbb.com/index.php?name=PN...iewtopic&t=6852</a>

Yeah, It's probably BS, but that is what Tech fans are saying:

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&nbsp; &nbsp; Posted: Feb 29, 2004 - 08:56 AM&nbsp; &nbsp;

The latest out of Ruston is that the expansion is tied into the new bill that Blanco is drawing up similiar to the state of Texas' where sports venues are to benefit from rental car taxes. Oakes has helped convince her that Tech is eligible for these funds as a state venue. The tie-in to S'port is that they will recieve compensation for Tech's games by recieving those same funds to offset funds already spent on the new transition of Indy Stadium.

The increase in athletic budget is tied into our taking over UL-M within three years as the La Tech-Monroe campus. Those athletic teams and will be merged into ours. This was set into play during the recent audit of the U of L system with UL-M and Grambling both being targeted for inclusion into the new La Tech System on the drawing boards. This was a compromise with north Louisiana legislators for funds being pumped into south Louisiana schools over the Foster administration. Blanco is very close to the U of L system and knows the short falls. She thinks that Tech will emerge as a strong second tier system to LSU's and is willing to help us. I also hear that F Jay Taylor is coming back as the head of the new system.

This is all very hush/hush so please be careful with who you tell.

Now i'm not all that familar with LA politics so I was wondering if there is any validity because it all sounds like a bunch of bull.
02-29-2004 05:57 PM
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SwampHound Offline
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Post: #5
Now that is funny, hush hush but posted on a message board 03-confused LaTech is our oldest rival and one I love to see us play in any sports but IMHO they are dreaming if they think ULM and Grambling will become part of a LaTech System. In all honesty to have three universities that close is not very smart and to merge all three would seem to make sense but I see no way the alumni of those schools and the politicians in that area ever, ever allow something like that to happen. A couple of years ago there was a rumor that LSU would take over ULM, just like this rumor it was all BS.
02-29-2004 06:05 PM
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Cajunman02 Offline
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Post: #6
TheTiger Wrote:There is a rumor going around that ULM will be merged into the La Tech system. Any truth to that or is it complete BS?
Both ULM and La Tech are a part of the University of Louisiana System.<a href='http://www.uls.state.la.us/' target='_blank'>UL System Schools</a>. If we are talking about something different, then I'll delete this post.
02-29-2004 06:30 PM
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SwampHound Offline
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Post: #7
You are correct but the posted message from BB&B refers to a new LaTech System being formed with Grambling and ULM as branches. I don't see it. :rolleyes:
02-29-2004 06:32 PM
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Cajunman02 Offline
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Post: #8
I don't see the new system forming. LSwho will throw a fit, get their way, and then run off with some more money from the taxpayers. The monopoly known as LSU A&M College @ Baton Rouge will have their way, once again.
02-29-2004 06:37 PM
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SwampHound Offline
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Post: #9
Nothing is going to happen to ULM or Grambling this rumor is BS.
02-29-2004 06:41 PM
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Cajunman02 Offline
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Post: #10
Ya think those Techesters like to start rumors? Man, they got new stuff up every day about getting into CUSA and the MAC. Now this stuff about creating the LTU System. They are crazy up there in Southern Arkansas (to me, anything above Alexandria is Arkansas).
02-29-2004 06:45 PM
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SwampHound Offline
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Post: #11
Cajunman02 Wrote:Ya think those Techesters like to start rumors?&nbsp; Man, they got new stuff up every day about getting into CUSA and the MAC.&nbsp; Now this stuff about creating the LTU System.&nbsp; They are crazy up there in Southern Arkansas (to me, anything above Alexandria is Arkansas).
There's a city in Louisiana north of Alexandria? :D
02-29-2004 06:48 PM
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SwampHound Offline
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Post: #12
SwampHound Wrote:There's a city in Louisiana north of Alexandria? :D
Just kidding all you LaTech and ULM fans :wave:
02-29-2004 06:51 PM
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Tuffguy20 Offline
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Post: #13
I can only hope it happens, them a solid base of La Tech, La Tech-Monroe (theyll chance cuzz their not in the UL system anymore) and Grambling. It fixes the name problem and give the UL system a great group of schools, UL, Southeast LA, Mcneese, Northwestern State, and Nichols. Pshh...if these schools wanna abandon the UL system, thats fine, dead wood to me.

02-29-2004 08:34 PM
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studentfan Offline
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Post: #14
I think their just trying to pump themselves up, hoping to make themselves look bigger than what they are. 05-nono
02-29-2004 10:02 PM
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Post: #15
I'm wondering if there is any truth to the rumor that la tech is considering adding the 6th grade? I've heard a lot of the parents have been clamoring for the state to integrate 6th graders with the current stable of 7th and 8th graders simply for the chance to call themselves a junior high (rather than a middle school). Apparently, the parents of la tech students consider the inclusion of "Middle School" on their children's diplomas to be both demeaning and out of character with the quality of the young teenage population.

There is no such thing as a Louisiana Tech "system" ... 04-cheers
03-01-2004 07:59 AM
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HerdZoned Offline
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Post: #16
Those ppl up there think they are Cajuns too.

Im not orig. from LA but Ive lived here since 95 and I don't see those 2 ever doing that. Not unless Monroe was in serious trouble or was guananteed "MEGA BUCKS" out of the deal.

Is it so slow up in Ruston they have to make up BIG RUMORS. Yesterday it was a news press release that Tech got into C-USA. Now this.
03-01-2004 10:55 PM
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cozmosis77 Offline
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Post: #17
March 6, 2004
University of Louisiana
Monroe, Louisiana
Media Affairs Division


A special meeting of the University of Louisiana Board of Regents has resulted in a split of of the University of Louisiana System and a loss of the system's flagship school.

Dr. James Cofer, president of the flagship UL campus in Monroe, petitioned the board during executive session Friday evening to release his university from the UL System. The Regents voted 8-7 to approve the request after an apparently lengthy discussion of the matter.

When returning from the closed-door executive session, members of the board and representatives of the involved schools exhibited a variety of emotions.

Regents Richard D'Aquin and Reggie Dupre, both of Lafayette, appeared ecstatic as Board Chairman Roland Toups announced that the Monroe campus would split from the UL System and take with it Louisiana Tech University and Grambling State University.

"Well, I think this settles it once and for all," said Dupre. "With Monroe leaving the system, there is only one University of Louisiana!"

"We've wanted to be top dog since 1984 and now we are," added D'Aquin. "We wish Monroe the best of luck and we're happy to take the flagship status from them."

According to last night's announcement, the Monroe campus will split from the system following the 2004-2005 school year. They will form a new university system independent of the UL System and the Louisiana State University System. The school and system will be known as North Louisiana University and will utilize satellite campuses in Ruston, Grambling and Little Rock, Ark.

"Let's be honest. No one has ever liked the ULM name and so we thought it was time not only shed ourselves of that moniker but to also set ourselves apart from the other schools in Louisiana," said Cofer. "We've made such positive strides since Mr. Swearingen left that I think we are ready to be the flagship of a system that we created."

Reaction from Louisiana Tech representatives has been mostly disappointing. Beginning in August 2005, Tech will be known as NLU-Ruston. Initially, the Ruston campus' athletic programs will remain in place, but will compete on the NCAA Division II level in the Gulf South Conference.

Because of Grambling's historical importance, Cofer said that they would not force a name change for that campus. Grambling will simply have to add the tag, "a member of the North Louisiana University System" to all official correspondence. Grambling's athletic programs will remain unchanged as the Tigers continue to play in the Southwestern Athletic Conference.

The most interesting aspect of the new university system is the proposed campus in Little Rock, Ark. A location for the campus, to be known as NLU-Little Rock, has not yet been identified. However UL officials feel that the campus will play an important part in the new system.

"Little Rock is an important market for us," said Cofer. "As you know, we plan to play some home football games there and we want to make our presence known in central Arkansas. Essentially, we think of Little Rock as Monroe North."

Funding issues for the Little Rock campus are still in the planning stages. Some members of the Louisiana legislature have expressed their concern about paying for a school located in a different state.

Cofer stated that a series of planning meetings to gather input from the community will be held weekly beginning March 23. The meetings, scheduled for each Tuesday, will begin at 6 p.m. in the Nursing Building auditorium.

03-06-2004 06:25 PM
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SwampHound Offline
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Post: #18
Pretty funny :laugh:
03-06-2004 06:29 PM
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studentfan Offline
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Post: #19
I like that one, espcially if it were true. :D
03-06-2004 08:41 PM
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