LAchief01 Wrote:Should this become our new board? Seems like you can do more with pictures and such? Delphi is convenient though... Tough call.
Allow me to spread my openly bias opinion.
#1 MAC forum
#1 C-USA forum
(soon to be) #1 SunBelt forum
#1 Memphis forum
#1 Northern Illinois forum
#1 Toledo forum
Other active areas: Lounge, ACC, Big10, BigEast, Cincinnati, WAC
NCAAbbs has numerous completely unique features, such as the ability to create a news/recruiting engine around a team board, as seen here: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>
NCAAbbs has formed a team -- Folding@NCAAbbs -- which is currently using unused computer power to help cure cancer, sars, mad cow disease, alzheimers, and others. NCAAbbs is ranked in the top 500 of more than 31,500 teams, and is rising fast. We are the number one participant in Folding by any college fan community... mowing the next closest team (Rivals) down by thousands of spots.
NCAAbbs is developing an interactive Member Map.. it will show a map of the US with NCAAbbs fans on it ... it will show them by conference affiliation. Stats can be gotten nationwide and by state... with the ability to zoom in on a state. This will be an interactive flash page.
NCAAbbs has Road Trip -- where fellow fans can submit the best places to meet and eat around campuses when going to road games.
NCAAbbs has a full featured IRC based chat that works on all operating systems.
NCAAbbs has the CRAP (Community Regular Award Presentation .. or Crappies) every February on the anniversary of the creation of NCAAbbs. It's a fun way for fans across NCAAbbs to get together and vote on the stand outs in our great community.
We also have a support staff to help members that is second to none.
You will not find a warm community for all of college sports like us ... where even bitter rivals can sit and have some good discussion. We are 100% unique, original, uncopied, and unmatched.