Heh! I forgot about stupid "Kiss." I had the Kiss marvel comic!
Things I couldn't have or do? Lessee....usually Mom and Dad were pretty cool about most things, but there were some....
- I remember Mom wouldn't let me go see "The Exorcist" with Dad in '73.
I whined about it......but seeing as how I was 8 years old at the time, she probably had a point! :D
- I never did get those "Rock 'em, Sock 'em" robots. Never. I always told they were cheaply made and would break. Hmmm....
- I was not allowed to buy comic books until Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Never during school days M-F........and of course blue laws were in effect Sunday, so you couldn't buy 'em then either.
- I wanted to order some of those "joke" items you saw in comic books (hand buzzers, hot pepper gum, whoppee cushions, etc.) but I got a big fat "NO" on that one.
- I always wanted a Wolfman rubber mask and hands down at the Cromer's Peanuts store at Dutch Square Mall. I got a NO every time!
Oh well, I survived! (As for porn, I knew other kids who had stashes at times........ :rolleyes: )