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What is dispensationalism and is it biblical concerning Israel and the war?
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Crayton Offline
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RE: What is dispensationalism and is it biblical?
This was a good, concise video and honestly clearer than other descriptions I've heard.

I probably favor Covenant Theology due to the unity of God's people (being largely synonymous with BOTH Israel and the Church, or at least the believing remnant/core of each). I do respect Dispensationalism because it was developed out of careful attention to scripture. The literalism sometimes goes too far, but that is in every way preferable to the alternative. There can also be excesses in modern politics (perhaps the "hyper" version) when Christians un-critically support the modern state of Israel.
01-19-2022 09:26 AM
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RE: What is dispensationalism and is it biblical? - Crayton - 01-19-2022 09:26 AM

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