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A Holiday Poem
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TheFuture Offline
Bench Warmer

Posts: 144
Joined: May 2003
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Post: #1
<span style='color:red'>'Twas the night before Spurrier, and throughout the Southeast
Every creature sat silent, lest he 'waken the Beast.
The "Beast" was Carolina, who they all knew was dormant
But whose rumblings were stirred by a Lispy Informant

"My offspring", he noted, "would have been a prime pick."
"cause to work with my boy has sure been a kick."
"Since the the ultimate call is not mine to make,"
"McGee's is the choice we'll all have to take.

"I aroused the true nature of the creature at hand"
"But I'll now pass my whistle to another good man."
At the news of this passing, many creatures were aghast,
In the knowledge that their days at the top would soon pass.

The Gators all trembled with jealousy and fright,
While the hicks up in Knoxville drew their sisters up tight.
And the poor little puppies, knew not what to do.
So they ran 'round in circles and they ate their own poo.
The commodores and wildcats both wanted to matter,
but their weak little bluster was nothing but clatter.

Now those from The West weren't the least bit distraught,
til after awhile came a sobering thought,
"In the past, when we've faced a beast from the east,
Carolina, it seemed, was one of the least."

Now Tigers are shaking and Pachyderms too,
While Bulldogs and Rebels have a case of the blues.
And the blind little piggies will root for a Nutt,
Knowing Coach Spurrier will soon kick their Butt.

Now, when the Ol' Ball Coach has feasted on these,
He'll turn his attention to an upstate disease.
He won't come by chimney, 'cause they most live in trailers
And stockin's are foreign to folks without tailors.

He'll give them their goodies in Ol' Billy Brice,
And again for good measure in Cowtown to be nice.
Since they'll have not a hearth, and their feet will be bare,
He'll hang half a hundred on their ****** to be fair.

Said Merry Ol' Lou as he rode into the sunset,
"May your tee shots be straight and you irons well-met."
"I'll follow the Gamecocks through future success,"
"'Cause I know in my heart I gave it my best."

Go Cocks!</span>
12-02-2004 09:12 AM
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