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MemphisTigers.org Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
MemphisTigers.org strives to maintain a loose, laid back environment. However, with the increase in traffic comes an increased potential of troublemakers making an unwanted appearance. Changes to the AUP occur infrequently, however, you are responsible for monitoring the AUP for any updates. By posting on this site, you agree to abide by the site guidelines and general rules set forth below.

*** Enforcement of this AUP is at the discretion of the moderators and administrators of MemphisTigers.org. If a complaint is made, this AUP will be consulted to determine whether a warning should or will be issued, including further disciplinary action or even termination of account privileges (possibly without prior warning). ***

Posting copyrighted material without the permission of the author/owner is unacceptable. MemphisTigers.org is not liable for any content you post, and can be forced to turnover information about you should a copyright holder subpoena MemphisTigers.org or CSNbbs for infringing posts you have made.

Copyright holders or people who are otherwise claiming illegal posts were made can request immediate post removal by sending a Private Message (PM) to Derby and putting "Copyright Issue" in the subject line, or using the "Report a Post" option available for any post. The post will be removed as soon as possible. If the post is not removed within 1 hour, please send a Private Message (PM) to another board moderator (mempho_to_diego, Merrick, SigEpMike, staciemontero, Sundanceuic, tigergreen, or Triple-T) as generally one of us is online at most times of the day.

The use of a real individual's name by anyone other than that individual is not allowed. Once identified, the inappropriate screen name will be banned from the Dockery-Finch Tiger Sports Forum.

Note: If you have a problem with a poster's avatar/signature and they are not deemed in violation of any of the rules below, please go to your Profile and disable the viewing of avatars/signatures. If they are not in violation of the rules, the individual will not be asked to remove the signature or avatar in question. If you have small children and don't want them to see certain things, then you should definitely disable avatars/signatures. Every forum is AT LEAST rated PG, which may be too graphic for those under the age of 12.

1) If you are a visiting fan to the MemphisTigers.org forums, we welcome you. We invite you to post in any forum available to you, and we want your experience here to be a positive one. We enjoy interaction with fans of other teams. However, if your posts (intended or not) tend to lean toward unacceptable bashing of Memphistigers.org posters, Memphis fans in general, Memphis athletes or coaches, the University of Memphis, or the city of Memphis, your posts will be moved to the Smack Forum. For repeat offenders, we may restrict your access to our Smack forum only, or we may disable your account altogether. Repeat offenders are on a very short leash.

2) Every open public forum has a rating to determine the general acceptable content on each forum.

3) If your account is deemed by board moderators to be a nuisance on MemphisTigers.org or CSNbbs as a whole, then your account is subject to banning at any time without prior warning(s).

4) Attempts to undermine this site's camaraderie by willfully posting mocking remarks directed at moderators and administrators is cause for immediate banning without prior warning. The mocking of moderation decisions is strictly prohibited. The post is subject to immediate removal and the poster could face disciplinary action at moderator discretion. Determination of what is or is not acceptable is at the sole discretion of the moderation and administrative team. Nothing in life is perfect, so neither is the management of this message board. Yes, this site has flaws, either learn to peacefully accept them or leave.

5) Please watch the language on any forum that has a PG rating. We do have a language filter on these forums, however it doesn't filter everything. Bypassing the profanity filter, though a light offense is unacceptable. This means, specifically, that you modified a filtered word so it would no longer be filtered. To keep it simple -- if it's filtered, leave it filtered. Regardless of forum rating, the use of ethnic and racial slurs will not be tolerated. Some are filtered, however due the abundance of others, many are not. General rule... if you would not use the slur in social situations, do not use them here. If you do use them in social situations, do not use them here.

6) Any personal attack on other posters, school administration, and/or student athletes is subject to immediate removal without notice.

7) Signatures/Avatars cannot contain any nudity. This includes but is not limited to: pubic hair, genitals, female nipples, mesh/"see-through" clothing that shows any of the preceding, nor pictures that leave virtually nothing to the imagination. In addition, inappropriate statements (or graphics) made in a signature are subject to moderation approval. Violations of these rules are at the sole discretion of the MemphisTigers.org moderating team, and signatures/avatars are subject to immediate removal without notice.

8) Reputation manipulating will not be tolerated. Multiple reputations are intended to allow for people to alter reputation on a per post basis. You should not artificially inflate or deflate your own reputation or the reputation of others. This includes "reputation whoring".

9) You remain responsible for the content of your posts. MemphisTigers.org is not liable for illegal or otherwise illicit material in your posts. You agree to hold MemphisTigers.org unaccountable for all posts you make.

10) If you have a question or a problem with the way in which your situation is handled (i.e. deleted posts, moderation disagreements, bannings, etc.), you must take it to PM’s and not question moderator actions in our forums. Send a PM to a moderator for a discussion. Out of respect to privacy, questions regarding another poster's cases/disposition will not be discussed.

11) Using these boards is a privilege, not a right. All MemphisTigers.org and CSNbbs mods/admins reserve the right to ban or suspend your account for any period of time without notice, advanced warning, or reason. Reinstatement is not guaranteed.

12) If it is deemed that you are causing people to leave the community because of your actions, you risk the possibility of being banned... even if you're so good at walking the line you have technically broken no rules. MemphisTigers.org will not let you ruin everyone else's experience and get away with it.

13) Spamming is not tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, links or pictures in board names, avatars, signatures, and posts.

14) Linking to any site containing inappropriate material (pornography, etc.) is unacceptable.

15) Sex talk and innuendos are generally not acceptable for PG rated forums. However, the moderation team will determine whether the content is acceptable enough to remain. If the team feels the content is inappropriate, we will move it to the Smack forum, where the content is a bit more acceptable, or possibly remove the content altogether.

16) At any time, the administration of MemphisTigers.org has the right to use their discretion when making decisions about posts that are… a) deemed inappropriate, and b) perceived to incite people in a negative (or distasteful) way.

17) If you cannot get along with a certain poster here, please remember this board does include an ignore feature. We HIGHLY suggest you use it. We are not going to police this site like a straight-line dictatorship. We've never had to in the past and we don't plan on doing that in the future. If a poster bothers you, just put them on your ignore list.

18) Bumping threads over a year old leads to confusion. When referring to a thread over one year old, create a new thread instead and insert a hyperlink back to the old thread. Old threads bumped to the top, will be locked.

19) Posting links to other message boards is prohibited, if the intent is deemed to be an attempt (overt or not) to drive traffic away from MemphisTigers.org or CSNbbs. Determination of the intent is exclusively in the hands of the MemphisTigers.org moderation team. Posts of this nature may be moved or deleted. Offenders are subject to warnings, forum bans, or outright CSNbbs banning.

20) The use of aliases (alternate screen names) is neither encouraged nor endorsed, but not prohibited. If it is found that a disciplined poster has re-registered under an alias, the alias will also be banned. If the alias is deemed to have been created in order to deliberately disrupt board activity, the alias will be banned and the originating poster will be held responsible and subject to moderation discipline.

21) Attempts to "out" (disclose) a poster's true identity is regarded as a severe breach of privacy and may result in immediate banning without prior warning.

22) The moderation team of MemphisTigers.org is exempt from these rules when making administrative decisions. These rules are meant as a general guideline to follow.

23) Long back-and-forth exchanges of off-topic insults and posturing will not be tolerated. On-topic back-and-forth is accepted and encouraged, as long as it's civil. Once it veers off-topic, it's time to take it to PMs or use the ignore feature. Such exchanges will be deleted or split and moved to the "Smack" forum.

Only you and the moderation/administration team can view your warning level, as it is not visible to other posters. The Warning System is not retro-active nor a substitute to outright forum or overall site banishment, which continues to be performed at moderator discretion. Forum bans and/or site bans can and will be issued WITHOUT PRIOR WARNING, when deemed appropriate by the moderation/administration team.

Below is an outline of how the warning process will be used. The categories and levels of warning should be self evident.

Flaming or Bashing Coach/Player/Poster
Light +10% || Expires after: 1 week
Moderate +25% || Expires after: 2 weeks
Extreme +50% || Expires after: 4 weeks
Copyright Infringement
Incidental +10% || Expires after: 1 week
Very Obvious +20% || Expires after: 2 weeks
Personal Threats
1st Offense +40% || Expires after: 3 months
2nd or Higher +50% || Expires after: Never
Reputation Abuse
1st Offense: +10% Warning || Expires after: 1 week
2nd Offense: +10% Warning || Expires after: 1 week, your reputation is deducted at the sole discretion of the mods/admins
3rd Offense: +20% Warning || Expires after: 2 weeks, and all reputations you have ever made are purged from the system
Posting Nudies and/or providing links to offensive websites
Incidental +10% || Expires after: 1 week
Very Obvious +25% || Expires after: 2 weeks
Failure to discuss moderation issues in private.
+15% || Expires after: 2 weeks
Scalping Tickets
+25% || Expires after: 2 weeks
The Illudium Q36 Explosive Space Modulator
Extreme violation of AUP or board decorum.
+100% || Expires after: 1 month

Warning Level Tiers
0% - 49% No Actions Taken.
50% - 74% All posts made by user are required to be approved by moderator.
75% - 99% Posting privileges suspended.
100% - Banned until warning incident(s) expire.

Keep in mind, this AUP is only for MemphisTigers.org. If you travel to other areas of CSNbbs, those forums may have their own set of rules that are different from the rules found here, and breaking those rules in other areas could result in your being banned from the CSNbbs network which INCLUDES MemphisTigers.org.

Claiming ignorance of this AUP is not an excuse. It is your responsibility to periodically review this AUP for any updates.

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