
AUP LAST UPDATED: 8/12/13, 7:15 PM ET

CSNbbs strives to maintain the loose, laid back, and (generally speaking) anything goes environment. However, with the increase in traffic comes an increase in troublemakers. This AUP and some of the catch-all rules it has is a necessary evil to formally deal with these troublemakers. You are responsible for monitoring the AUP. Twenty-four hours after changes are made to the AUP, posters are expected to abide by them. Major AUP changes will be announced.


Copyright Infringement

- Posting copyrighted material without the permission of the author/owner is unacceptable. CSNbbs is not liable for any content you post, and can be forced to turnover information about you should a copyright holder subpoenae CSNbbs for infringing posts you have made.
- Copyright holders or people who are otherwise claiming illegal posts were made can request immediate post removal by emailing the following address with a link: [email protected]. You MUST include a link to the infringing content and you MUST state that you are acting in good faith as a lawful owner or representative of those holding the copyright. If these conditions are met, then we will reply with the time the offending material was taken down.



- If you are banned, at any time, for any reason, at the sole discretion of any site moderator and/or administrator your access to this site beyond a guest/unregistered user has been permanently revoked unless otherwise noted by a ban with an expiration time. If you see no expiration time in your banned message your ban is permanent.
- Appeals may be made to [email protected] however all bans are considered enforced unless explicitly overturned by site moderators and/or administrators.
- Continued attempts to circumvent bans by the use of proxies, VPNs, public internet access locations, ISP IP changes, and other third party access can result in legal action by the site against you and/or notification to your employer of your activities on the site if we suspect you to be in breach of your employer's internal IT policies.


General Rules

- If you are fan visiting other areas of CSNbbs... objective/factual/discussion based posts that are on topic are always welcome. However, be careful when you start smack talking etc. It is to be expected that mods will have visiting fans on a shorter leash when it comes to visiting fans causing trouble.
- In general, the content rating for CSNbbs is at or very close to PG-13. So, don't blame CSNbbs if you let your young one on the boards and they pick up a special new word at the age of 10.
- Bypassing the profanity filter, though a light offense, is unacceptable. This means, specifically, that you modified a word filtered so it would be filtered no longer. To keep it simple -- if it's filtered, leave it filtered. If it isn't filtered, you're in the clear.
- Any personal attack on other posters, school administration, and/or student athletes is subject to immediate removal without notice at the discretion of mods and admins.
- Babe Of The Day (BOTD) posts cannot contain any nudity. This includes but is not limited to: pubic hair, genitals, nipples, or mesh/"see-through" clothing that shows any of the preceeding.
- You remain responsible for the content of your posts. CSNbbs is not liable for illegal or otherwise illicit material in your posts. You agree to hold CSNbbs unaccountable for all posts you make.
- Questions about edited or deleted posts should be voiced in private to the mod/admin that did it. If you don't know who... e-mail [email protected]
- Using these boards is a privilege, not a right. All CSNbbs admins reserve the right to ban/disable your account for any period of time without notice, advanced warning, or reason.
- Reputation manipulating will not be tolerated. Multiple reputations are intended to allow for people to alter reputation on a per post basis. You should not artificially inflate or deflate your own reputation or the reputation of others. This includes "reputation whoring".
- In general, if you are causing people to leave the community because of your actions, you will be banned... even if you're so good at walking the line you have technically broken no rules. CSNbbs will not let you ruin everybody else's experience and get away with it just b/c you're good at walking the line.
- You grant CSNbbs indefinite, perpetual, and royalty-free use of any and all content you put on the site including but not limited to posts and messages, private or otherwise.



- Spamming is not tolerated. This includes but is not limited to links in board names, avatars, signatures, and posts.
- Links/URLs in board names are acceptable if there is an "equally-prominent" link back within reason.
- Links to a competing site are acceptable PROVIDED there is an "equally-prominent" link back within reason.
- Links to a competing site are also acceptable PROVIDED the link is to real and related content and not an advertisement. It is up to the discretion of the mods/admins as to what constitutes an advertisement and what does not.
- Linking to any site containing inappropriate material (pornography, etc) is unacceptable.
- If in doubt... just ask a mod/admin.


Additional AUPs

- Moderators are expected to follow the Mod AUP posted on the mod board.


Binding Arbitration

- By using or even viewing the site beyond the registration screens and this page you agree that any legal action brought, either directly or indirectly, against the website, the parent company, any and all related assets pertaining to the site or the parent company, site owners, site property, and/or third party contractors is subject to binding arbitration in a location of the choosing of the site owner and in a manner prescribed by the site owner.



We have enabled the warning system. This is a way for moderators and admins to track who has done what. In short, when you misbehave, your warning level goes up. When you reach certain levels, you are automatically punished. Here are the warning levels:

Warning Level Teirs:
0% - No Actions Taken
50% - All posts made by user are required to be approved by moderator
75% - Posting priviledges suspended
100% - Banned

Here are the actions that will get you warned, as well as how much the warning is and how long the warning lasts:

Warning Actions:
NOTE: All these actions are ADDITIONS to their current warning level.

===== Flaming
Flaming (Light) +10% || Expires after: 1 week
Flaming (Moderate) +25% || Expires after: 2 weeks
Flaming (Extreme) +50% || Expires after: 4 weeks

Flaming is defined as:
- Excessively crass posts (racism, sexism, over the top personal attacks)
- Smack talking on a non-smack talk board
- Being an all around ******* everybody hates, denoted by a highly negative reputation

===== Spamming
Spamming (Incidental) +10% || Expires: 1 week
Spamming (Very Obvious) +25% || Expires: 6 months
Spam Bombing (Any Offense) +50% || Expires: Never

Spamming retains its current definition in the AUP. Spam bombing is multiple spam posts, rapid fire, across any number of boards.

===== BOTD Abuse
Posting Nudies (Incidental) +10% || Expires: 1 week
Posting Nudies (Very Obvious) + 25% || Expires: 2 weeks

===== Reptutation Abuse
1st Offense: +10% Warning
2nd Offense: +10% Warning, your reputation is deducted at the sole discretion of the mods/admins
3rd Offense: +20% Warning, and all reputations you have ever made are purged from the system

===== Legal
Scalping Tickets +25% || Expires: 2 weeks
Copyright Infringement (Incidental) +10% || Expires: 1 week
Copyright Infringement (Very Obvious) +20% || Expires: 2 weeks
Personal Threats (1st Offense) +40% || Expires: 3 months
Personal Threats (2nd or Higher) +50% || Expires: Never

===== Trouble Making
Failure to discuss moderation issues in private +15% || Expires: 2 weeks
Jackassery by Rivals/Scout Staff (1st Offense) +50% || Expires: 1 week
Jackassery by Rivals/Scout Staff (2nd Offense) +25% || Expires: Never
Jackassery by Rivals/Scout Staff (3rd Offense) +75% || Expires: Never

The Illudium Q36 Explosive Space Modulator +100% || Expires: 1 month
(Used when poster has done something bad enough to warrant immediate banning.)

===== Any Offense Made By Rivals/Scout Staff
1st Offense +30% || Expires: Never



NCAA Bulletin Board System, All Rights Reserved
CSNbbs is an independent fan site and is in no way affiliated to the NCAA or any of the schools and conferences it represents.