
Full Version: Some MLB World Series Stats
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- None of the original 16 franchises have fewer than 2 World Series titles with the Guardians and Phillies each having just 2 titles each.

- None of the 14 expansion franchises have more than 2 World Series titles. The 14 expansion franchises have a total of 14 titles. All 4 that have a single title won it in the 21st century and more than half (8 of 14) were won in the 21st century. Only 1 of these 14 titles occurred before 1985.

- Champion by current league: AL 68 > NL 51. This isn’t all that uneven considering the Yankees have 27 titles.

- None of the original 16 franchises have fewer than 5 World Series appearances with the White Sox anchoring this group with 5.

- None of the 14 expansion franchises have more than 5 World Series appearances with the Mets and Astros leading the way with 5 each. Only the Mariners have 0 appearances even though they hold the MLB record for wins in a regular season.
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