
Full Version: What company or type of business is most associated with your Conference?
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Interesting question. So much of the Big Ten consists of cities that are highly provincial and unique with their companies and businesses, e.g. NYC, LA, Chicago, Detroit, Philly, etc. Culver’s is probably the chain that is most associated with the core Midwest footprint, but they aren’t in the Northeast or West Coast parts of the league. (Fried cheese curds and a pumpkin shake at this time of year, man. Unbelievably good.) Otherwise, I don’t think of “Big Ten places” as much as “Chicago places” (e.g. Portillo’s, Lou Malnati’s, Giordano’s, etc.) or “California places” (e.g. In-n-Out Burger) or other much more localized locations.
(09-25-2024 02:53 PM)bryanw1995 Wrote: [ -> ]For the Big 12, we know it's truck stops and Buc-ees
For the SEC, it's Waffle House

What is it for your own conference?





ACC is easy.

Wine Cheese Tobacco
Duluth Trading Company. (Underwear for lumberjacks.)
I mean, CBS is a no-brainer for CUSA
They've had a long-running show closely aligned to the conference since the early 2000s: Survivor 04-cheers
I feel like Bojangles represents the ACC, they built 2 in Tallahassee and it hardly gets business.
Good stuff guys, keep 'em coming!
The Catholic Church.
SunBelt Tools??
Radio Shack?
The MAC?


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