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I can promise you this about Nebraska....they will want to win...Ole MIss, will want to compete!!!
Hey, ROACH>PEA-NUTS! YuR a LoOZer! ::plffffffuh!:: Na ne nah ne boo boo!

CuNGRatuLATIONS, LoozeR! You steel havE YET to POsT one SINGLE positive POST! Way to KEEP THAT STREAK ALIVE! :stupid:
What are you talking about now fag boy??

You're still posting the same ole tired BS...

What has Butts done for me to post something positive about? A 6-6 season? Cause we beat UF and MSU?

If we beat Nebraska and go 7-5, I MIGHT HAVE SOMETHIG POSITIVE TO SAY...LIKE "If Butts goes NO LESS than 10-2 next year, HE HAS TO GO"...

Now, JBR, I've taken to ignoring most of your post and quite frankly could give a rats &$* about what you think!!!

Wanna say hey to your x-wife? Call the number...LOL!!!!!!!!!!! NOW F.O.!!!
Hey, Pea brain! I never said Cutt was a genius! Just commenting on your innate ability to point out the black lining in every silver cloud. You're nothing if not completely predictable.

Tell my ex I said "Howdy!" Is she still humping every guy at her sexaholics anonymous meeting? Hope you're wrapping that rascal, Pea-nuts! And definitely don't give her head! 03-lol

You still begging anonymous chicks you don't know to come visit your palace in the sky? What a ladies' man! Woo hoo! Pimp daddy for real!

Welp, I gotta go give your daughter another facial, old man. Enjoy my retreads! You still want that Korean chick's number?
joebordenrebel Wrote:Welp, I gotta go give your daughter another facial, old man.
03-lol 03-lol 03-lol 03-lol 03-lol 04-bow 04-bow 04-bow 04-cheers
Peanut can now be seen at the Burn Center in Greenville thanks to JBR.

Now, I sound like a Jr. High girl. :D

<!--EDIT|REBstill|Dec 9 2002, 05:42 PM-->
LMAO, best flame i have seen in a while JBR. Just the way I like it....One shot, one kill! :saber: 04-bow
I agree, jawbreaker, "he's taking no prisoners!"
Don't start none, won't be none. 04-cheers

Well, I guess since I started that, THAT statement's not quite true! LOL

How about:

Comfort the uncomfortable; harrass the asses. :wave: 04-cheers
JBR, I would be honored if you allowed me to put that in my signature. 04-bow 04-bow 04-bow 04-bow 04-bow
You have not only my permission but also my blessing, dear boy. It is a motto for the board as well as for LIFE! :saber:
I only hope I have done justice to this instant classic. 04-cheers 04-bow 04-cheers
::takes a bow:: Thank you! Thank you! I'll be here all year! 04-bow

I thought you wanted the OTHER quote! LMAO 03-lol You can have that one, too!
The other one might've been a bit much in the administration's collective eyes. 03-lol 03-lol 03-lol 03-lol

Oh, the sweet, sweet irony of it all.

<!--EDIT|cant_think_of_a_witty_name|Dec 9 2002, 10:08 PM-->
Alright, y'all. What did you do with Peanut? He hasn't been here for awhile and I begin to suspect foul play.
He's been too busy trying to convince Leavitt of USF to go to Bama! 03-lol
Wryword Wrote:Alright, y'all. What did you do with Peanut? He hasn't been here for awhile and I begin to suspect foul play.
fowl play, hummmm. Does that mean he and hamburglar are "messing around"?

(I know the words are not spelled the same and have totally different meanings Pea and burgerboy - so don't be ragging on me. Just looking for a way to slam the two of you at the same time.)
Birds of a feather. . .fluck together! 03-lol
Peanut, the hoe, lard_assed_ daddy_hawg, and hamburglar - 4 of a kind.

LSUjoe looks at it as 2 pairs of two's. 03-wink

<!--EDIT|REBstill|Dec 13 2002, 10:45 AM-->
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