
Full Version: Not a moment of peace for genocide supporters!
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Prog filth cowards hiding their faces.

These are democrats. Period
It's good that Schemer is getting a taste of what he endorses in other matters that involve antifa and blm. These are Jew haters and he's one.
Yeah I'm sure Chuckles is all torn up about a bunch of idiots banging on drums down on the sidewalk.
The Useful Idiots they paid to get rid of Trump are turning against them. Guess it's time to crush their balls now. It's gonna happen sooner or later. Always does.
What groovy rap lyrics.

With as many Israelis dead as perished in 9/11, I have no sympathy for Palestinians. They started this nonsense, played a stupid game, and are garnering stupid prizes.

Israel has a right to defend its territory and attack those that attack Israel. It is that simple. And I wish Israel godspeed in achieving its military and political goals from this conflict - something the US has not had the cojones to do during its ME conflicts.

And Schumer is the swamp. 25 years on the public dole and now worth $75MM. He is "exhibit A" for term limits, followed closely by Mitch McConnell.
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