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I saw on Facebook a reel that said only 18 summers with your kid. I've spent 8 so far with mine, but I hate the fact that my store does inventory on his fall break!! Arrggggghhhh!!!!!!!! 03-banghead 03-banghead 03-banghead
(10-02-2023 11:52 PM)DawgNBama Wrote: [ -> ]I saw on Facebook a reel that said only 18 summers with your kid. I've spent 8 so far with mine, but I hate the fact that my store does inventory on his fall break!! Arrggggghhhh!!!!!!!! 03-banghead 03-banghead 03-banghead

It flies by. I've got one more summer with my daughter. She's a high school senior and applying for college for next fall. We've got a trip planned this coming summer and I plan to make it our best trip yet.
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