
Full Version: Return of a Tarleton Tradition
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After watching the Tech pregame on field activities, I am requesting the return of a time honored Tarleton tradition.

We must see beginning next year the return of the Texan Rider on horseback. If the Tech rider can lead their team into the field with a full sprint of the field, then we can too. I no longer want to hear the excuse a horse can’t run on turf. They can and I saw it yesterday.

If you can’t ride a horse then you don’t need to be the Texan Rider, hence the name.

A real Texan Rider in 2024!!!!!
Here, Here!
(09-18-2023 08:41 AM)wisdomgymrat Wrote: [ -> ]Here, Here!

I am all for it as well. I also think they should change the logo from the T inside the state to the guy on the horse inside the T.
Texan rider on horseback to lead the team onto the field this weekend. [/i]
(09-20-2023 04:03 PM)Oscar P Wrote: [ -> ]Texan rider on horseback to lead the team onto the field this weekend. [/i]



Let’s make this permanent.
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