
Full Version: Biden*s HHS Funnels $750k In Covid Funds To Guttmacher Institute For Ongoing Abortion
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Quote:President Joe Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services designated $750k in taxpayer funds to the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute for research that will reinforce the Biden administration’s radical abortion agenda.

The grant, which began on Sept. 1, was awarded out of Congress’s recent inflationary Covid spending to the Guttmacher Institute under the premise that the abortion industry experienced “service disruptions due to the Covid-19 pandemic and shifting policies and priorities” that require remedying. The money given to Guttmacher is just a small fraction of the $6 million HHS promised to nearly a dozen of research organizations for data on expanding abortions in the U.S.

To receive the full funds by the grant’s end in 2025, Guttmacher has pledged itself to “generating actionable data to ensure high-quality, equitable sexual and reproductive health care.” In other words, the institute will be working overtime to supply the Biden administration with whatever statistics it needs to advance its pro-abortion agenda.

That’s not something Guttmacher is shy about. As a matter of fact, the institute’s grant description explicitly states it.

“This work will result in data and findings readily available for policy makers, clinical providers, and program planners to leverage when designing programs and policies to increase equitable access, especially for those most in need of publicly funded [sexual reproductive health] services,” the grant states.

That includes providing data about “trends in client need and use of Title X services” that the Biden administration can use to justify its undoing of several Trump-era policies that protected taxpayer funds from going to abortions at home or overseas.

“We aim to disseminate data and findings from this work widely and effectively,” the grant concludes.

The Guttmacher Institute is a progressive organization, founded by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America before going independent in 2007, that prides itself as a “leading research and policy organization committed to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) worldwide.”

The Institute not only advocated for the end of the global gag rule, which prohibits organizations that receive taxpayer dollars from funding abortions but also admonished the Biden White House to take up abortion for all as a top first-term priority.

When the Supreme Court issued its Dobbs v. Jackson decision, Guttmacher lamented the end of a “constitutional right to abortion” and manufactured research that makes red states’ abortion restrictions, despite voter support, look unpopular.

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