
Full Version: Dutch Farmers Become Ungovernable After 'Climate Change' Agreement
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Quote:You won’t see it on any of the alphabet networks, but a protest movement is exploding in the Netherlands after the government moved to shut down farms in order to “fight” climate change. The contentious move, pushed by the World Economic Forum, was enacted as part of an EU agreement that seeks to limit the release of nitrogen.

This is what becoming ungovernable looks like.

Massive protests are occurring in the Netherlands as Dutch farmers are protesting against the government’s rules that would limit carbon and nitrogen emissions out of their farms, says Sky News host James Morrow.

Farmers protested around the Netherlands over the government’s new policy which would see the country slash nitrogen oxide and ammonia emissions by 50 per cent by 2030.

“Massive massive protests, they’re blocking highways, they’re blocking traffic – I’ve seen them even spraying manure on government offices,” Mr Morrow said.

Of all the aspects of the green agenda, none is more damaging and suicidal than putting in arbitrary provisions that limit the production of food across the globe. I’m not in support of targeting anything to “lower emissions” because I believe it’s spitting into the wind to make wealthy elites feel better about their lifestyles. Yet, even if I did support that agenda, the last place that should be targeted is the food sector. While European leaders are virtue signaling about the temperature possibly rising a few degrees over the next hundred years, they should be concerned about feeding their populations before their countries descend into apocalyptic chaos.

But this is the way these European nations operate, specifically those that are in the EU. They are run by privileged, spoiled brats who don’t bother to weigh the costs of their policies because they assume the United States will jump in to save them if things ever get too bad. That’s obviously true regarding NATO considering how little the European members spend compared to the US, but it’s also true regarding energy and food.

For example, EU nations have massive oil and natural gas reserves but refuse to drill and frack in order to get to it. Why? Because the US will simply ship them more LNG, right? Now they are destroying their own food production capabilities, again believing that the US will provide them with what they need if shortages occur. But what they aren’t taking into account is that the US has its own problems and is no longer in a position to constantly pick up the slack for European leaders who refuse to govern with some semblance of common sense.

Here’s the bottom line: European nations looking to commit national suicide on the altar of climate change are playing with fire. Even the normally passive residents of the Netherlands will only take so much before pushing back. The farmers clearly aren’t violent extremists, and if the government attempts to treat them as such, things will only devolve further. The WEF, EU, and the rest of the global elite need to understand they only hold power as long as the people decide to let them hold power.

Soylent Green Tuesdays are coming.
Quote:According to Bloomberg, yesterday, several farmers also brought their cows to parliament to protest the policy, going so far as threatening to slaughter them on the spot.

“If the nitrogen measures are adopted, one of these two ladies [cows] will not go home but will receive a one-way ticket to the slaughterhouse,” farmer Koos Cromwijk told Dutch news agency ANP outside parliament.

The policy in question will require Dutch businesses to reduce nitrogen emissions nationwide by 50% and up to 95% in some provinces by 2030, with cows and fertilizers being significant contributors.

“The honest message … is that not all farmers can continue their business,” a government statement reads.

The agriculture industry isn’t the only one being targeted, though — aviation has also come under fire.

According to Climate Change News, by the end of 2023, Schipol airport, one of the busiest in Europe, will be forced to limit annual flights to accommodate just 440,000 passengers (12% less than the number of flights in 2019).

“This is a difficult message for the aviation sector that is still recovering from the far-reaching consequences of the coronavirus pandemic,” said transport minister Mark Harbers.

Climate change activists are, of course, thrilled by the developments, with Greenpeace calling the cap on airport traffic a “historic breakthrough.”

“It is good that the Cabinet realizes that Schiphol has, for years, been flying beyond all boundaries when it comes to noise, nitrogen, ultrafine particles and the climate,” Greenpeace activist Dewi Zloch said in a statement.

Zelensky has 40 billion, maybe Ukraine can send the Dutch some aid money
Just goes to show wherever you are, the only people excited about the one-world global liberal government are the people who will run the one-world global liberal government.

The average guy on the street (or farm) has had enough.

I really wanted to see them flip that police car.
Where are our citizens organizing these kinds of protests? Maybe it's happening but you never hear about it. Why is that only the left seem to have the capacity to organize civil disobedience?? We don't need a million man march on Washington, we need 10 million, and another 100 million spread out across the country in dem controlled cities with another 50 million in small towns across blue states.

Civil war is coming. As badly as I would hate to see it happen I think it has to. Something has to happen to get the attention of the evil people in power. Ideally peaceful protests would do the trick.
Food control for population control, not climate.
(07-03-2022 12:33 PM)TigerBlue4Ever Wrote: [ -> ]Where are our citizens organizing these kinds of protests? Maybe it's happening but you never hear about it. Why is that only the left seem to have the capacity to organize civil disobedience?? We don't need a million man march on Washington, we need 10 million, and another 100 million spread out across the country in dem controlled cities with another 50 million in small towns across blue states.

Civil war is coming. As badly as I would hate to see it happen I think it has to. Something has to happen to get the attention of the evil people in power. Ideally peaceful protests would do the trick.

Yet another reason the left is set on criminalizing the Jan6th riot as heavily as possible. They don’t want protests from the right to ever become “a thing”.
Dutch Farmers Intensify Protests, Form Transit Blockades on Roads, Bridges and Ports, Angered by New Energy Mandates and Forced Livestock Reductions

Quote:The politicians in Dutch government recently passed sweeping new climate regulations that will result in more than a third of farmers losing their business. The government announced a €25 billion plan to radically reduce the number of livestock in the country in order to curtail emissions.

As the Guardian reports, “A deal to buy out farmers to try to reduce levels of nitrogen pollution in the country had been mooted for some time,and was finally confirmed after the agreement of a new coalition government in the Netherlands earlier this week.” The plan is to reduce farming in the Netherlands, by a “one-third reduction in the numbers of pigs, cows and chickens in the country.” However, the farmers are fighting back.

The unorganized grass-roots groups have been randomly blocking roads and transportation hubs for the past three days. They have also been dropping truckloads of manure at the entrances of government businesses. In a show of solidarity, the fishing industry is now blocking ports. Additionally, the farmers are starting to block the distribution centers of supermarkets and key roads forming a cauldron where transit is at a standstill.

As grocery store shelves go empty, the government is now asking the military to intervene and stop the farmer blockades. However, the Dutch people overwhelmingly support the farmers. Things have evolved into a social and economic war between the farmers and Build Back Better government ideology chasing climate change goals.

(Reuters) – Dutch farmers angered by government plans that may require them to use less fertilizer and reduce livestock began a day of protests in the Netherlands on Monday by blocking supermarket distribution hubs in several cities.

Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport and KLM, the Dutch arm of Air France (AIRF.PA), have advised travellers to use public transport, rather than cars, to reach the airport, as farmers’ activist groups said on social media they planned to use tractors to block roads.

Several traffic jams were reported on highways in the east of the country and on ferry routes in the north, but none near Schiphol during the morning commute.

Dutch and European courts have ordered the Dutch government to address the problem. Farmers say they have been unfairly singled out and have criticised the government’s approach. Monday’s protest is widely supported by farmers’ groups but not centrally organised. (read more)

Dutch Uprising: fishermen block ports across the Netherlands

FREEDOM TUBS: Dutch farmers block food distribution centres

Military-style police surround tractors to quell Dutch Uprising

Video Surfaces of Dutch Secret Police Caught Pretending to Be Farmers, Flee to Nearby Police Van as Farmers Chase

Quote:The government in the Netherlands is taking a playbook directly from Canada. Keep in mind that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte are two top-tier government influencers of the World Economic Forum, Davos crowd.

Trudeau and Rutte have a close and personal relationship, so it doesn’t come as a surprise to see the Dutch government trying to stop farmer protests following the same approach as the Canadian government toward the trucker protests.

In a short video released today, the farmers caught Dutch police units disguising themselves as farmers and infiltrating the protest. According to independent journalists who were recording the events, the plain clothes units were agitating for violence, a tactic to initiate a heavy-handed government response.

When the farmers realized they were police the undercover ‘Agent Provocateurs’ pulled batons to protect themselves and desperately retreated to a nearby police van. WATCH:

Food War Video, Dutch Police Open Fire on Unarmed Farmer Driving Tractor Around Police Roadblock

Quote:Things are escalating quicky in the Netherlands [Backstory Here]. Video has surfaced of Dutch police opening fire with real bullets on an unarmed protesting farmer who drove his tractor around a police roadblock. [Source and Source]

Several reports from the Netherlands highlight government efforts to stop Dutch farmers from protesting and blocking transit points. As a result, Dutch farmers have been taking rural routes to their protest destinations and local law enforcement have been trying to stop them with police roadblocks.

Two videos appear to show large farming tractors, easily able to overcome traditional street curbs, driving around the one of the police roadblocks as a police officer opens fire and shoots twice at the second tractor. An image of a bullet hole in the cab of the tractor appears to confirm live rounds are being fired at the farmers. WATCH:

Bullet hole:
[Image: Dutch-protest-6-bullet-holes.jpg]

Second perspective:

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