
Full Version: Post your favorite SNL clips
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I’ll start with one of the all time greats.

(11-19-2021 01:34 AM)NoQuarterBrigade Wrote: [ -> ]

Without a doubt the single greatest skit. Second is the box skit.
Yeah, very hard to get through that without laughing.
This one was funny because Jordan was at the top of his game at the time it was made and played it well.

(11-21-2021 09:53 PM)UCGrad1992 Wrote: [ -> ]

Classic one!!
Chris Farley was a natural, and very unique talent.

(11-22-2021 12:04 PM)NoQuarterBrigade Wrote: [ -> ]Chris Farley was a natural, and very unique talent.

I loved the dude. He just made me laugh. Still does. So sad he's gone already.
(11-23-2021 11:41 PM)sstaedtler88 Wrote: [ -> ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHG0ezLiVGc

That was quite funny. I’ve never seen that one before.

For those of us from the older crowd...

That was a great cast.
Thanksgiving clips…

Most of Norm Macdonald was gold.

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