
Full Version: Supply chains-Trump did bring jobs back-more need to come
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Good article by Kotkin on the supply chain crisis. I've long thought relying on China was idiotic as well as counter-productive.

"...Of course, such moves will be resisted by companies that have grown hopelessly dependent on far-flung supply chains and no longer possess the skills to make their own products. Some analysts suggest that large-scale reshoring to North America will require strong government action. Yet there are reasons for optimism. President Trump's tariffs may not have done much to revive US manufacturing, but the Reshoring Initiative’s Harry Moser told me that the annual number of jobs returning from offshore has increased from 6,000 in 2010 to over 400,000 in 2019. Cumulative jobs brought back represent about five percent of the United States’ total industrial employment. In 2019, for the first time in a decade, the percentage of manufacturing goods imported to the US dropped, notes a recent Kearny study, with much of the shift coming from east Asia...."
bad tariffs.....some folks blasted those bad bad bad tariffs....

'wtfe dipshites' is the mantra at this point....

we live in macro lunatic land now....

way to go never trumpeters.....
The present administration will be along shortly to make sure American jobs stay in China. Can’t have the America First mentality helping Americans at the expense of our president’s Chinese handlers.
So, some people b*tched about Trump's tariffs because they would cause prices to rise and cause supply chain issues. Trump installed tariffs, but neither materialized. All it did was to make companies that had relied on China to start moving their manufacturing, in some cases, back to the US.

Along comes president buffoon*, no tariffs to protect the US, and we have supply chain issues out the ass, and inflation out of control.
Then you have those who voted for Biden because he wasn't Trump, haven't kept up with anything and say well it would've happened regardless..
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