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Quote:President Joe Biden is redefining what the word "bipartisan" means, and it doesn’t necessarily mean support from Republicans in Congress, reports The Washington Post.

Biden is pushing for bipartisan support of his sweeping $2.25 trillion American Jobs Plan and touted the $1.9 trillion COVID relief package as a bipartisan victory.

"If you looked up 'bipartisan' in the dictionary, I think it would say support from Republicans and Democrats," Anita Dunn, a senior Biden adviser, told the Post. "It doesn’t say the Republicans have to be in Congress."

Rahm Emanuel, chief of staff for former President Barack Obama, told the newspaper, "what’s become crystal clear is that Biden has redefined bipartisan.

"It isn’t how many Republicans I’ve got," but "about how many Republican voters or mayors and governors can I get to support my staff.

"And Washington is slow to catch up to the Biden definition."

Biden in March acknowledged as much.

"When I wrote it, everybody said I had no bipartisan support. We’re overwhelming bipartisan support with Republican – registered Republican voters," Biden said when discussing his American Jobs Plan in Pittsburgh.

"And ask around. If you live in a town with a Republican mayor, a Republican county executive, or a Republican governor, ask them how many would rather get rid of the plan. Ask them if it helped them at all."

The president then said, "I hope Republicans in Congress will join this effort."

Biden faces stiff opposition from Republicans on Capitol Hill to enact his $2 trillion proposal but is looking to seek support from GOP lawmakers when he is scheduled to meet with Republican Sens. Deb Fischer of Nebraska and Roger Wicker of Mississippi and GOP Reps. Garret Graves of Louisiana and Don Young of Alaska at the White House Monday.

"It's all open to negotiation," White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Monday ahead of the meeting, adding that Biden "absolutely is" willing to negotiate with Republicans.

An aide for Wicker told NBC News Republicans were "wary whether today's meeting and others like it are truly an effort on working out a bipartisan deal or if they are about window dressing that will lead to another Democrat-only reconciliation process," adding that the senator planned to tell Biden how his plan "leads to a lack of trust."

Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, said Biden should truly look for bipartisan support.

"A Senate evenly split between both parties and a bare Democratic House majority are hardly a mandate to ‘go it alone,’" Romney tweeted. "The President should live up to the bipartisanship he preached in his inaugural address."


Quote:The White House might be trying to paint President Joe Biden's $2.2 trillion infrastructure plan as a bipartisan measure by saying there are Republicans across the United States who approve of it, but Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., said Monday there won't be a bipartisan measure if GOP lawmakers won't sign off on it.

"I think that if you are going to actually have a bipartisan infrastructure package as we've had numerous times in the past, you have to have buy-in from legislative leaders," Capito said on Fox News' "America's Newsroom." "That goes without question."

Her comments came in response to statements made by senior Biden adviser Anita Dunn, who told The Washington Post that "if you looked up 'bipartisan' in the dictionary, I think it would say support from Republicans and Democrats. It doesn't say the Republicans have to be in Congress."

Capito said there have been a number of conversations and ongoing talk about the infrastructure measure, and the "expansive definition of infrastructure" that has been seen in Biden's plan, a "Green New Deal wish list" is calling that definition into question.

"I don't think the American people, when they think of infrastructure, are thinking of home health aides and other things included in this bill," she said.

The senator added that she has just spent two weeks at home in West Virginia, where she and other toured road and bridge projects that are ongoing, and she said the nation's governors must be given the flexibility to go with what will work for their states.

"We looked at wastewater and clean drinking water projects in the northern part of the state," Capito said. "Those are the basic needs, along with broadband being a new basic need in my opinion, that I think is where we need to focus."

Capito added the basic needs are where there has been bipartisan agreement in the past, and she thinks the sides can get together again when it comes to that.

But with Biden's proposed bill, "we have to take some of this extraneous stuff out," Capito said. "It is really wrong and misleading to the American public for the president and others to say that we as Republicans are not willing to look forward to what the infrastructure of the future is. We passed a bill 21-0 a year ago that electric charging stations and some of the things that will be important moving forward. But that is just a small part."

Capito was not included in the Republicans going to the White House to speak with Biden about the proposal on Monday. However, she said her colleagues should emphasize what working together really means.

When the negotiations for the recent COVID-19 relief stimulus bill were under discussion, Biden would not move off his position. Republicans, though, came back with a counteroffer that was met with "dead silence" from the White House, Capito said.

"I think my problem is I don't want to be used as a tool of say bipartisanship only for the window dressing," she said. "I want to get in there and really work, but the optics of it is they'll go ahead and do what they want anyway with this reconciliation. That is the danger. The American public doesn't want that."


What’s really dangerous is that democrats actually believe their own bull****.

Quote:During an interview aired on Friday’s broadcast of PBS’ “Firing Line,” Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) argued that President Joe Biden can still say he’s a bipartisan leader, but this requires redefining what bipartisanship means.

Gillibrand said that Biden will still have credibility as a bipartisan leader even if both the coronavirus relief and infrastructure packages pass through reconciliation without Republican votes because “I think from a voters’ perspective, they see solving the COVID crisis, getting the economy up and running, the most bipartisan agenda you could have.”

Host Margaret Hoover then asked, “Is that a little bit redefining what bipartisanship means, though?”

Gillibrand responded, “It is. And I think that’s fair. But in this moment, when things have become so hyperpartisan, I still think it’s legitimate. And our job and the reason why we were elected and given the majority in the House and given the presidency was because the agenda that Joe Biden promised to get done. And so, I think the American people need us to do this. And if Mitch McConnell and the Republicans don’t want to help, that’s fine. I mean, it’s their choice. they’ve put politics over people. It’s not surprising, and I think it’s a mistake.”


Quote:I haven’t seen much humor in life during the past year or so, but one thing that has been uproariously hilarious lately is the orchestrated media narrative that President Joe Biden is bipartisan and conciliatory. Please give me a moment to catch my breath.

I think it was Karl Rove who recently observed that the media’s effective definition of bipartisan legislation is not that significant numbers of both parties’ lawmakers support a bill but that some poll somewhere shows that a large percentage of Americans of each party support some vaguely described initiative, even if zero Republican legislators support the actual bill. You can frame a poll question to get the result you want.

I can’t claim to be prophetic for having warned in my last book that if Democrats were to recapture the presidency, they would launch the most radical agenda in modern times. Indeed, you would have to have been almost blind or willfully naive to think otherwise. Yet never-Trumpers and many Democrats denied the radical wing of the party would have that much influence. But here we are. Saying “I told you so” doesn’t give me much solace.

Whoever is pulling Biden’s strings was able to get him elected using the carefully crafted message that he was a moderate, especially compared with Bernie Sanders. These same puppet masters are now imposing their will, and they mean to complete former President Barack Obama’s fundamental transformation of this nation, which is quite fitting considering that he is one of the key masters and probably the main one.

Many of us cautioned that they would try to pack the Supreme Court, and complacent scoffers waived their hands at us dismissively. But now Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Jerry Nader are set to offer legislation to add four more seats to the court and fill them with liberal-activist justices who would convert the court to a rubber stamp for the Left’s unconstitutional measures, rather than maintain it as a critical, nonpartisan check on excesses of the political branches. Do they have your attention yet? Please don’t say this is renegade Democratic lawmakers, not Biden. You know better, notwithstanding his previous comments that it would be a “boneheaded” move and a terrible, terrible idea. He’s the leader of the party.

Then there’s Biden’s radical reversal of Trump’s border policies, which were designed to restore a sane and orderly immigration system. Biden has single-handedly caused a crisis at the border by incentivizing migrants to come here with promises of monetary benefits, health benefits, and sanctuary. Why would any nation-respecting president engage in such reckless behavior to the detriment of United States citizens and then pretend that this rush to the border is Trump’s fault or the result of certain “root causes” in the migrants’ home countries? By root causes, does he mean undemocratic, tyrannical governments — the kind that he and Democrats are trying to usher in here?

And how about their constant stirring of the racial pot? Biden and the Democrats are firmly behind this disturbing wokeness trend now dominating our culture, as evidenced by Biden’s nomination of Kristen Clarke to head the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division.

As Sens. Tom Cotton and Ted Cruz demonstrated in their questioning of Clarke at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, Clarke supported measures to defund the police, despite claiming she now opposes them. Media fact-checkers are scrambling to deny the obvious, but it’s pretty hard to sell that narrative when Clarke penned an op-ed titled “I Prosecuted Police Killings. Defund the Police — But Be Strategic.” If Biden (or his handlers) isn’t pushing an extremist, race-laced agenda, why would he nominate someone so obviously obsessed with race? As former House Speaker Newt Gingrich noted, those who are pushing to defund the police are at war with Western civilization.

That’s not all. Biden’s United Nations ambassador, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, believes and preaches that the United States is guilty of systemic racism. She told the Human Rights Council that “the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents.” She added, “We have to acknowledge that we are an imperfect union — and have been since the beginning — and every day we strive to make ourselves more perfect, and more just.” She said that this “imperfect union” must approach issues of “equity and justice at the global scale … with humility.” She actually told this council, which includes such human rights abusers as China, Cuba, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, and North Korea, that the United States needs to “engage trailblazing groups like yours” to “improve.” Kind of makes Obama’s notorious world apology tour look like a paean to America as founded.

Note also Biden’s incendiary rhetoric about Georgia’s election integrity bill, which is designed not to suppress minority voters, as maliciously claimed, but to ensure fairness in the election process. Biden referred to the law as “Jim Crow in the 21st Century,” “Jim Crow on steroids” and “an atrocity.” Remember that during Jim Crow, blacks were threatened and beaten, and their houses sometimes burned down, to keep them from voting. The main provisions of the Georgia law impose voter identification requirements for absentee ballots and limit the use of ballot drop boxes. It is undeniably insulting and patronizing to minorities to imply that they can’t be expected to produce personal identification to vote. Know that some 70% of blacks reportedly support voter ID laws.

If none of this strikes you as particularly radical, then what do you think of Biden’s proposed multitrillion-dollar “infrastructure” bill that is only marginally about infrastructure? Trump haters would have us believe that they just wanted to have the adults back in charge of our government. Well, if deliberately bankrupting the United States and destroying the U.S. dollar is adult behavior, I’d prefer adolescents at the helm.

As my dad used to say, “There’ll be a day of reckoning.”

Someone needs to wipe the pudding off this vegetable's chin
(04-20-2021 10:54 AM)MemTigers1998 Wrote: [ -> ]Someone needs to wipe the pudding off this vegetable's chin

While they're at it, they can wipe Willie's DNA off Kumswalla's chin as well.

Biden* has also redefined what constitutes a toilet. ie The oval office floor, his pants, etc.
So Biden is Hunt'n for RINOs......
(04-27-2021 10:34 AM)49RFootballNow Wrote: [ -> ]So Biden is Hunt'n for RINOs......

(04-27-2021 10:34 AM)49RFootballNow Wrote: [ -> ]So Biden is Hunt'n for RINOs......

Pervert daddy is hunting for children to sniff, pervert son is hunting for underage family members to screw and parmesan cheese crumbles to smoke.
Quote:Democrats are urging President Joe Biden to ditch bipartisan negotiations and force big government spending packages totaling nearly six trillion dollars through Congress.

“There are certainly some in the president’s inner circle who were part of the Obama team who say, ‘Look, we can’t just have this go on forever,’” Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) said about the stalled legislative efforts in the Senate. “There has to be an outcome,” he pressured.

Rep. Andy Levin (D-MI) also believes bipartisanship is becoming less necessary.

“The president has laid out so well what we need to get done to build back better and create good union jobs,” he said. “If the GOP wants to work with us to achieve that vision, I’m all for it. But I don’t think we should let their opposition force us to do less.”

Jay Carney, a former Obama White House press secretary and Biden staffer who is now an executive at Amazon, said of the stalled legislation, “I think everyone is much more realistic about whether bipartisan cooperation is possible.”

“The lesson that this team learned, beginning with President Biden, from that experience is that there is a cost to waiting too long,” added Carney.

Biden’s top pollster John Anzalone suggested the Chinese coronavirus has given Biden an opportunity to escape the bipartisanship his campaign promised.

“What’s more important now during a crisis is they want things done. If that means Joe Biden has to go it alone, they seem to be fine with that,” Anzalone explained.

Steve Ricchetti, a top White House aide, told the Washington Post Biden is short on time to pass the nearly six trillion dollars of spending before the midterms become a factor.

“We have a little more time for the consideration of this, and the percolation of these proposals, to have broader consultation and dialogue,” he said. “There’s more receptivity on the Republican side to having that dialogue, and they also see the potential to reach some common ground here.”

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) told Politico concerning Biden’s radical tax increases that he is wary of the corporate hike from 21 percent to 28 percent to compensate for the spending.

“You want make sure you’re competitive,” he said, adding, “[If] there’s something you’re missing, if there’s loopholes or this or that. . . . But just raising the rate — it’d be the highest rate in the world. Not the best idea in the world.”

Without Manchin’s blessing on legislation, none of Biden’s agenda passes the Senate on partisan lines. Even with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) tactic of reconciliation on budget-related items, Manchin must consent.

“That makes me very uncomfortable,” Manchin postured. “Are we going to be able to be competitive and be able to pay for what we need in the country? We’ve got to figure out what our needs are, and maybe make some adjustments.”

Republican Susan Collins (R-ME), a Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) sympathizer, said Biden’s potential to move without bipartisanship is unlike the man she knew in the Senate.

“The Joe Biden that I knew in the Senate was always interested in negotiation. I thought very highly of him,” Collins said. “I like him. I worked with him.”

As for Biden himself, he stated last week that he is struggling to find bipartisanship for his radical policies without a caving to the Republican Party. “Everybody talks about, can I do anything bipartisan? Well, I got to figure out if there’s a party to deal with. We need a Republican Party. … We need another party, whatever you call it, that’s unified — not completely splintered and fearful of one another.”

We will see how bipartisan the Biden Administration is after the mid terms.
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