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Just was interested to see what everyone’s hobbies are.

I’m a car & gun guy. I was born in Chicago & grew up in Minneapolis. I joined the military when I was 18. I chose a career called TACP, I spent about 2 years training & then got stationed at Ft. Hood. 9th Air Support Operations. I was in for 6 years and deployed 5 times. Then landed in San Antonio at Lackland as an Indoc Instructor. Graduated at UTSA at 25. I love sports, Minnesota Twins Vikings fan. San Antonio Spurs fan & just a college sports fan, hockey , football, baseball and basketball.

Now I work for Medtronic as a Sales Director. A lot of travel but it’s fun. I love cars, guns, & skydiving, dogs and tats

What about y’all? What do you do in your free time?

Here are some of my cars. I used to own an Bmw M3 , Porsche 996 Turbo, Lexus RC F Sport. I currently own a 2015 Nissan GTR with Nitrous & basically every mod you can think of, a Porsche 911 S 2015 with Ruff wheels I just bought and Tubi exhaust, and a Ducati 1098 I literally just bought about a month ago, I’m not very good at riding yet.

If anyone has tips on how to get better at riding a sport bike please give me some tips. I feel I’m not getting any better.

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Cool pics. Thanks for sharing your personal life. I always try to put a face behind everyone that posts on sports message boards.
Anything with a board strapped to or under my feet. Surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, etc.

Fishing is starting to become a bigger hobby again now that my son is 7. He wants to go a lot so doing that more now.

Those things and coaching my kids baseball team.
Hell ya I’ve always wanted to learn how to surf. Coaching would be something I’d love to do. That is very rewarding. Very good stuff
Thank you for your service sir.

I'm just a good ole country boy. Love to hunt (mainly deer/turkey/squirrel/rabbit but also like to travel to hunt in other parts of the country so pretty much anything), fish, ride 4-wheelers, hike, farm/garden, shoot guns, etc.
Rare Bird watching

[Image: leggy-girl-short-dress-stands-riverfront...863069.jpg]

[Image: 81114113-beautiful-girls-running-and-hav...-beach.jpg]
Those birds... certainly are... rare.
clt likes chat pages, ZEPPELINS and smoking
(07-23-2019 07:22 PM)ghostofclt! Wrote: [ -> ]clt likes chat pages, ZEPPELINS and smoking
Pipes or cigars or cannabis? Let's chat
(07-23-2019 07:08 PM)herdfan129 Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you for your service sir.

I'm just a good ole country boy. Love to hunt (mainly deer/turkey/squirrel/rabbit but also like to travel to hunt in other parts of the country so pretty much anything), fish, ride 4-wheelers, hike, farm/garden, shoot guns, etc.

TY. I love hunting too. Along with fishing, growing up in Minnesota we did a lot of fishing. One of my favorite things to do with my dad.
(07-23-2019 07:10 PM)WKUYG Wrote: [ -> ]Rare Bird watching

[Image: leggy-girl-short-dress-stands-riverfront...863069.jpg]

[Image: 81114113-beautiful-girls-running-and-hav...-beach.jpg]

: )
Fresh and salt water fishing, pheasant, quail, and deer hunting.
(07-23-2019 07:34 PM)nastybunch Wrote: [ -> ]Fresh and salt water fishing, pheasant, quail, and deer hunting.

What do you use to shoot quail?

12 gauge?
Board games for me and the wife. We have a monthly game night at our house.

Love solo boardgames as well as the wife only enjoys games once a month

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(07-23-2019 07:48 PM)NTTHOR Wrote: [ -> ]Board games for me and the wife. We have a monthly game night at our house.

Love solo boardgames as well as the wife only enjoys games once a month

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Chess?? Or like Monopoly , Sherlock Holmes, & Gloomhaven? I’ve played Pandemic a few times, not sure if you’ve heard of that.
The details of my life are quite inconsequential... very well, where do I begin? ... Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we make meat helmets.
(07-23-2019 07:48 PM)NTTHOR Wrote: [ -> ]Board games for me and the wife. We have a monthly game night at our house.

Love solo boardgames as well as the wife only enjoys games once a month

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My partner and I love board game as well. We play Citadels, Smash-up, 7 Wonders, 7 Wonders Duel, Dominion, Forbidden Island, Sheriff of Nottingham, Pandemic...

We play weekly
Cigars, classical piano, dirt track racing, Scotch, reading.

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