
Full Version: My CAA Teams So Far
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This is my opinion, not a prediction of how the voting will go. I have three forwards on the First Team, which is unlikely. The players are not ranked within the teams:

First Team: Justin Wright-Foreman, Grant Riller, Justin Pierce, Devontae Cacok, and Eric Carter

Second Team: Nathan Knight, Jarrell Brantley, Eli Pemberton, Darius Banks, and Steven Santa Ana

Third Team: Stuckey Mosley, Tyler Seibring, Kevin Anderson, Alihan Demir, and Trevor John

Northeastern and Towson have none, UNCW has one, and everybody else has two. In the RPI, Northeastern is first in the CAA and Elon is ninth. In the NET, Northeastern is second and Elon is tenth. I'm not saying Northeastern won't have any players honored, and I did not consider team performance in this. Jordan Roland and Donnell Gresham were among my next group of seven. I excluded Vasa Pusica because of how much time he is expected to miss. He's shooting much worse than last season, and his rebounds, assists, and turnovers are all worse. If he played almost every game and finished with the statistics he has now, I might put him on the Third Team.
It's early to play these types of selection games, but I have no arguments right now about NU.. I'm just hoping we have 5 healthy players on the roster by the time conference play starts.
NU should be shut out...currently. They have been so banged up you cant get a read on them. Once CAA play starts is when this comes into play. When determining all CAA teams you are really only looking at CAA stats, so at this point it is too early to say anything. I would say however, the CAA as a whole has impressed this non conference.
Voters may disagree, but I use statistics in all games to evaluate players after the season. The CAA's out of conference winning percentage is a little worse than it finished last season, but the CAA is doing horrible by its standards in the Conference RPI (19th this season, 12th last season) and Sagarin (18th this season, 14th last season). The mean rank for all teams is 177th. The CAA has mean ranks of 205.4 in the RPI, 206.0 in the Sagarin, and 202.2 in the NET, so if the NET had a conference ranking the CAA would be near 18th. The CAA Tournament winner could get a 15 or 16 seed.
(12-06-2018 01:29 PM)dan10 Wrote: [ -> ]NU should be shut out...currently. They have been so banged up you cant get a read on them. Once CAA play starts is when this comes into play. When determining all CAA teams you are really only looking at CAA stats, so at this point it is too early to say anything. I would say however, the CAA as a whole has impressed this non conference.


I disagree unfortunately. The league is really struggling in the OOC. While the overall scheduling this season is much better for most of the teams in terms of quality of opponent, the CAA teams haven't won enough of those games. I would rate Delaware as a positive surprise and perhaps UNCW and W&M as a little worse than expected in the nonconference. But, overall, the total wins and quality of wins are much less than last season or two years ago.
The CAA is struggling. Delaware is a positive surprise, but they were picked seventh, and if you expected the CAA to be above average you could expect them to be near 200th of 353. They're 183rd in the NET and 150th in the RPI. Hofstra has no bad losses, but they're 124th in the NET and 171st in the RPI, which is bad for a team picked third. To compare, that's a worse RPI than when Elon was 167th last season and was the worst seed in the CAA Tournament. William & Mary is 195th in the NET and 240th in the RPI, which is horrible for a team picked fourth. Charleston leads the CAA in the NET in 103rd, and Hofstra leads the CAA in the Sagarin in 103rd, so the CAA doesn't have any Top 100 teams in those. In the RPI, Northeastern is 83rd and Charleston is 91st. Northeastern's SOS is 34th, and given how the CAA is doing their SOS change from after OOC games to after all games could get worse by a very unusual amount for a CAA team. It's possible for the CAA Tournament to be won by a team that isn't in the Top 100 of the NET, RPI, or Sagarin.
I guess that is where I differ. Where did you guys expect the CAA to be this year? I had pretty low expectations as a whole due to the losses teams had. NU had the clear edge over everyone, followed by CofC and then a bunch of small expectations. Yes the quality of wins is not good, but it seems like the league is actually beating teams you would expect to win against and losing to those we would expect to lose to. That is an improvement over the past couple of years where we had a bunch of teams that could not beat anybody. Just my opinion, and obviously statistics disagree too
The CAA is 18-12 (.600) against the bottom eight conferences (one quarter) of the Conference RPI. Last season the CAA was 17-9 (.654) against the bottom eight conferences, with fewer games played, meaning that out of conference schedules could be easier this season.
First Team: Justin Wright-Foreman, Grant Riller, Nathan Knight, Devontae Cacok, and Eric Carter

Second Team: Tyler Seibring, Jarrell Brantley, Eli Pemberton, Vasa Pusica, and Alihan Demir

Third Team: Jordan Roland, Stuckey Mosley, Steven Santa Ana, Donnell Gresham, and Justin Pierce

The players within the teams are not in order. I have 3 from Northeastern; 2 from Hofstra, Charleston, William & Mary, and Elon; 1 from Delaware, Drexel, James Madison, and UNC Wilmington; and nobody from Towson. I think it's unlikely that Drexel gets one player and it isn't their leading scorer, Troy Harper, but this is my opinion. This is not a prediction.

The players who moved from when I started this topic to now are:

1. Nathan Knight: Second Team to First Team
2. Tyler Seibring: Third Team to Second Team
3. Alihan Demir: Third Team to Second Team
4. Vasa Pusica: No team to Second Team
5. Donnell Gresham: No team to Third Team
6. Jordan Roland: No team to Third Team
7. Justin Pierce: First Team to Third Team
8. Steven Santa Ana: Second Team to Third Team
9. Darius Banks: Second Team to no team
10. Kevin Anderson: Third Team to no team
11. Trevor John: Third Team to no team

The players who I kept on the same team are:

1. Justin Wright-Foreman
2. Grant Riller
3. Devontae Cacok
4. Eric Carter
5. Jarrell Brantley
6. Eli Pemberton
7. Stuckey Mosley
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