
Full Version: W&M Sports Blog Shirts
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Okay, we know this is a long shot -- but we made some pretty (insert fire emoji here) W&M Sports Blog shirts, if we do say so ourselves.

Link: https://twitter.com/wmsportsblog/status/...7494261760

We wanted to see if anyone else *might* be interested in ordering one. We're not pulling any profit on this, and Custom Ink allows you to pay for the shirt directly, with your own card, and you'll obviously also be able to select your shirt size (we would not be a part of the purchase in any way).

It'd be around $30 for the shirt, we know it's high, but that's because it's custom and we're not ordering a ton of them (however, if we got a lot of people to sign up, then we could maybe drive the price down).

Message us if you're interested (here, or on FB or Twitter)! Roll Damn Tribe.
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