
Full Version: Blue-Gold Scrimmage 2017
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Anybody here make it out to Blue-Gold Scrimmage tonight?
I wanted to but....life, daughter, stuff, etc....didn't make it.
Didn't make it either but very excited from what I've heard. Joiner looks like he is going to be a star right away. Dude has incredible talents. I will be stunned if he isn't newcomer of the year. Also nice to hear Wrapp is recovering well. Looks like he will be ready to start the season. Counting down the days to November 10th.

Sounds good, especially about Wrapp. That really concerned me. Hope we can make up much of what was lost with graduation. If its under the radar to the rest of the conference for a while, all the better.

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One aspect I do see as a big positive about this Cal State Bakersfield squad is Barnes has assembled a fairly athletic team; possibly the most athletic team in the WAC.
John Mettus article:


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That Wrapp to Joiner ally oop. Oh man. Beautiful. I think we will see a lot of that connection this year.
(10-28-2017 12:55 AM)Clarity Wrote: [ -> ]That Wrapp to Joiner ally oop. Oh man. Beautiful. I think we will see a lot of that connection this year.
Glad to see Wrapp is back to playing. Here's hoping all WAC teams have minimal injuries this season.
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