
Full Version: Beer sales permissible at CSUs again
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Snooped around the BW Boards and saw this:


Perhaps soon, CPSLO can come to a 'Runners game AND have that beer. 03-wink If it comes to CSUB, my money is on Lengthwise being included.

Currently mobile....away from the house or on the 'throne.'
Key Arena has 2 giant in-arena bars that are unused during Seattle U games. Would love to see them opened up during SU games, attendance would likely increase, lol.
(07-13-2017 01:00 AM)SeattleVandals Wrote: [ -> ]Key Arena has 2 giant in-arena bars that are unused during Seattle U games. Would love to see them opened up during SU games, attendance would likely increase, lol.
Actually, seriously, when some people consider it....improved experience, they may well choose to spend their evening at a 'Hawks game. Little things can sometimes make a big difference.

At least maybe a smaller kiosk could be used if not the main facilities. That's one issue some of us have particularly at baseball games. Some type of appearal kiosk needs to be at each game. It just looks good, school spirit, if nothing else.

Currently mobile....away from the house or on the 'throne.'
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