
Full Version: TV for CAA Baseball Championship Saturday 5/27
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Both Game 1 and Game 2 if necessary will be televised.

Of note, American Sports Network is also syndicating the A10 Baseball championship that is occurring at the same time, so on the national ASN feed that the digital subnetworks show, A10 baseball will be live and CAA Baseball will be on tape delay. Only select markets below are showing CAA Live

TV/Stream -
American Sports Network (Syndicated)
Wilmington, NC
WILM TV, Wilmington, NC (Over the Air 10.1 & 24.1, Time Warner 12, Charter, AT&T UVerse, ATMC, DirecTV, Dish Network 10)

Charleston, SC
WCIV My Network TV, (Over the Air 36.1, Comcast/WOW!/Time Warner 13, AT&T UVerse/DirecTV/Dish 36)

Regional Sports Networks
Comcast Sports Net MidAtlantic Plus (DirecTV 642-1, DISH 449 SD/9519 HD)

SportsNet NY (DirecTV 639)

NESNPlus (DirecTV 628-1, DISH 412 - 441 SD/9576 HD)

Updated CAA.TV will have both games today alongside ASK per CAAsports.com
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