
Full Version: Pentagon Issues Transgender Handbook For Military Service Members
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Troops Warned To Be “Sensitive Of Pronoun Use”…

[Image: US_Troops_550x299.jpg]

SJW's celebrate...so sad to see this garbage invade our brave souls in our military. F'U' Obama and your PC bull#$% world.

Quote:The Department of Defense issued its official implementation handbook for transgender service members and their commanders on Friday, just days before a Pentagon deadline for the military to provide gender transition medical care to members of the armed forces.

As “an administrative management tool,” the handbook is the core policy guide on which each of the services will base its own implementation plan. The handbook defines key terms, such as “gender dysphoria,” the clinical designation for individuals who feel that their sex and gender do not match. And in an introductory section titled “The Basics,” the handbook explains the differences between sex and gender identity, an understanding of which is now necessary for all military personnel:

“Every person has the right to have their gender identity recognized and respected, and all Service members who receive a diagnosis that gender transition is medically necessary will be provided with support and management to transition, within the bounds of military readiness.”

The handbook guides a serviceperson seeking transition between genders to communicate his or her intent with his or her unit, via letter or in person. The pre-transition serviceperson in question should, however, consider the consequences such a decision might have on his or her career, the handbook says. (The handbook, wisely, uses second person pronouns.)

yay... more wasteful spending!
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