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(12-05-2015 09:28 PM)gostAte870 Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-05-2015 08:56 PM)WKUApollo Wrote: [ -> ]I laughly profusely today when I saw that score merely because the Georgia Southern fans have been brutal on the Internet to GaSt as they struggled to get their program started.

I bet that most people that saw that final score thought that the scores were erroneously reversed. Enough people confuses Ga Southern with Ga State as is.

Congrats to GSU for beating GSU yesterday and their first bowl game in school history. GSU, you guys have to step it up next time you play GSU.

[Image: 2247.png&h=70&w=70] 00 07 13 14 34 (6-6, 5-3 Sun Belt)
[Image: 290.png&h=70&w=70] 00 07 00 00 07 (8-4, 6-2 Sun Belt)

Well, GSU has historically been a very strong football program. And GSU not having much football history, I can understand why you thought GSU wouldn't have been able to beat GSU. If GSU can go on the road next season and beat GSU, then GSU will have gained some real solid status as a competitive football team at GSU's expense, of course. One must wonder what the future is for GSU, and how this affects GSU. Maybe GSU's fanbase will one day rival GSU's, but who really knows what GSU will do. Do You?

*PS, I enjoyed typing that!
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