
Full Version: Transfer of wealth (hoops talent)
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Nothing profound about an individual graduating class being down in talent but a trend now is appearing regarding the overall talent pool in the city of Chicago.
Detroit too has seen a significant reduction in overall talent but if I am correct for different reasons but with the same results.

The MAC connection is Stevie Taylor who recently transferred to Toledo from Marquette. He was a big dog in a small kennel (class of '12) in Illinois.

The commentary or responses to the article are more thought provoking, at least for me. Much of it equally socio-economic which again I found interesting.

I don't follow HS real closely (went to 2 games this year to see a friends son play and was first game I've been to in 10 years). I do read about it but never gave much thought to the socio-economic backdrop.

For you Mittenites who might follow HS sports (as I am sure it isn't limited to buckets) what other reason(s) than a depressed economy has made Detroit close to be a zero depth talent pool?

From my readings I haven't determined why but I think I recall that some of the notable talent doesn't relocate in the burbs but rather has moved out of state instead. True?
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