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One thing I dont get is how you dog the crap out of us in Louisiana and call us all ********* yet you praise our little ******* that led your little team to its success this season...hhhhmmmm

I guess you dont hate ********* as much as you say afterall huh? 03-wink
Hey *******

When we come down there, I hope there arent any LSU fans on Bourbon St. because we are gonna rule that town. Heres a little question for you and dont cheat........

Who has more titles, LSU OR OU

OU 04-bow OU 04-bow OU 04-bow

03-nutkick LSU
WeTakingOverBourbonSt. Wrote:Hey *******

When we come down there, I hope there arent any LSU fans on Bourbon St. because we are gonna rule that town. Heres a little question for you and dont cheat........

Who has more titles, LSU OR OU

OU 04-bow OU 04-bow OU 04-bow

03-nutkick LSU
Here's a question for you, and dont cheat. Who has a conference title this year, LSU or OU?

It's gonna be great watching Lavalais dismantle Jason White's body.


LSU 04-bow LSU 04-bow LSU
Ok you made apoint but lets analyze....NATIONAL title or little frail sec conference title

Our conference is much better than the little sec. Read the facts and weep *****. :stupid:

heres another song for you and your ******* friends

we're taking over bourbon
we drink alot of bourbon
you probably drive
ina ****ed up suburban 04-rock 04-rock 04-rock


LSU-01-03 Wrote:One thing I dont get is how you dog the crap out of us in Louisiana and call us all ********* yet you praise our little ******* that led your little team to its success this season...hhhhmmmm

I guess you dont hate ********* as much as you say afterall huh? 03-wink
Hmmm, because his family is originally from Drew, Mississippi?
LSU-01-03 Wrote:One thing I dont get is how you dog the crap out of us in Louisiana and call us all ********* yet you praise our little ******* that led your little team to its success this season...hhhhmmmm

I guess you dont hate ********* as much as you say afterall huh? 03-wink
He calls you names because he knows it gets under your skin. Quit acting like a 2-year old (and stop making up new names.... 03-lol 03-lol ) and lighten up, pansy. 03-wink
WeTakingOverBourbonSt. Wrote:Ok you made apoint but lets analyze....NATIONAL title or little frail sec conference title

Our conference is much better than the little sec. Read the facts and weep *****. :stupid:

heres another song for you and your ******* friends

we're taking over bourbon
we drink alot of bourbon
you probably drive
ina ****ed up suburban 04-rock 04-rock 04-rock
The Big XII is really strong, eh? I guess playing teams like Baylor and Kansas is really tough. :rolleyes:
SouthLink02 Wrote:
LSU-01-03 Wrote:One thing I dont get is how you dog the crap out of us in Louisiana and call us all ********* yet you praise our little ******* that led your little team to its success this season...hhhhmmmm

I guess you dont hate ********* as much as you say afterall huh? 03-wink
He calls you names because he knows it gets under your skin. Quit acting like a 2-year old (and stop making up new names.... 03-lol 03-lol ) and lighten up, pansy. 03-wink
LMAO@ getting under my skin....rotflmao...nothing does my friend....lmao

But I can tell that I get under yours, its great!!!! 03-wink

14-9-1 04-rock
Is that why you need to make up fake names? F-ing pansy 03-lol 03-lol 03-lol You cant get out of that hole. hey, go make a new name so someone can stick up for you!!! :D :D
LSU-01-03 Wrote:One thing I dont get is how you dog the crap out of us in Louisiana and call us all ********* yet you praise our little ******* that led your little team to its success this season...hhhhmmmm

I guess you dont hate ********* as much as you say afterall huh? 03-wink
You know that Archie and Olivia are from Mississippi. The reason they were in Louisiana was because of his pro career with your pitiful New Orleans 'Aints. Read on...........

All-American Quarterback

Wherever he goes, Archie Manning is recognized as an ambassador of goodwill and a molder of people.

He was born Elisha Archibald Manning, III, May 19, 1949, in Drew, Mississippi, where he grew up. He excelled in all sports at Drew High School and was awarded an athletic scholarship at the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), where he was an All-American quarterback and had his number retired. Manning was named the quarterback of the Southeastern Conference 25 Year Team from 1950 to 1975 and the All South Team from 1940 to 1990. In 1971, he was the second player picked in the NFL Draft, selected by the New Orleans Saints. Manning was also drafted four times by major league baseball (Atlanta, Chicago White Sox (twice) and Kansas City).

For twelve years, Manning was the field leader of the New Orleans Saints and still holds team passing records. He also served with the Houston Oilers (1982-1983) before being traded to the Minnesota Vikings where he played until retirement in 1985. Manning was the League's Most Valuable Player in 1978 and participated in two Pro Bowls. He is the only player in the history of the New Orleans Saints franchise to be inducted into the "Wall of Fame" in the Louisiana Superdome. Manning was voted quarterback of the 25 Year All Saints Team and voted Most Popular Saint in franchise history. Manning has been inducted into numerous Halls of fame including the Louisiana and Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame and the National Football Foundation College Hall of Fame. In 1992 he was voted Mississippi's All-time Greatest Athlete. Recently, Manning was named the quarterback for The Team of the Century at the University of Mississippi.
NewspaperRebel Wrote:
LSU-01-03 Wrote:One thing I dont get is how you dog the crap out of us in Louisiana and call us all ********* yet you praise our little ******* that led your little team to its success this season...hhhhmmmm

I guess you dont hate ********* as much as you say afterall huh? 03-wink
You know that Archie and Olivia are from Mississippi. The reason they were in Louisiana was because of his pro career with your pitiful New Orleans 'Aints.
NPR, do yourself a favor bro. Don't get involved with any conversations with this moron. He hasn't a clue. You will be talking to a brick wall, AND you will find yourself feeling stupid from just talking to him.
I can't believe I got involved with this Simpleton. In fact, I'm going to take my own advice and leave this idiot alone so he can talk to the other two people that agree with him...his other aliases.
I just realized why there are so many Ole Miss fans on here. There is absolutely nothing else to do in that great state of Mississippi...lol

Lets see, no pro teams and the only teams you guys do have, SUCK!!!!!(ole miss and miss st.)

I feel for you all, I really do....naaaahhh maybe not......lmao...woooooooooooo
There were 3 Rebels that posted in this thread.....
NPR, who lives in Memphis. That's in Tennessee, by the way.
10MAN, who lives in Nashville, also in Tennessee, by the way.
RebelKev, who lives in Augusta, which in case you haven't learned this in middle school yet, is in Georgia.

Again, you have proven what an incredible dumb*** you are. You are right, however, Mississippi doesn't have any pro teams. But let's talk about yours, shall we? Wanna talk about what the Saints did today? 03-lol They should have the "pro" removed from their titles after that sh*t. So, you might want to make sure your pro teams aren't complete worthless pieces of sh*t like the Saints, before you go making fun of a state that has none. Jaysus, you have to be the stupidest MF I've ever come across.
How do you break a LSU fan's finger?

Kick his dog in the butt

OOkkkk, lets keep my Aints out of this. They aint done nothing to no one.

Wide Right...DOH!
YOU calling ME stupid doesnt bother me a bit, maybe if it came from someone who displayed even an ounce of intellingence. You calling me that is almost comical.

I do have to give you one thing though, you're quite ballsy. After being embarrassed by me time and time again, you still seem to some how muster up enough courage to post again. Your dignity, not mine.

I guess it's true what they say,"stupid is as stupid does" :stupid:

calling_the_hogs Wrote:How do you break a LSU fan's finger?

Kick his dog in the butt


Wow, an arkansas fan talking doo doo....what is this world coming to?
SouthLink02 Wrote:OOkkkk, lets keep my Aints out of this. They aint done nothing to no one.

Wide Right...DOH!
Sorry Link, but you know who brought up this whole pro thing, plus you gotta admit, that was pretty bad today. :eek:
[Image: post-2-1072050611.jpg]
10MAN Wrote:NPR, do yourself a favor bro. Don't get involved with any conversations with this moron. He hasn't a clue. You will be talking to a brick wall, AND you will find yourself feeling stupid from just talking to him.

I can't believe I got involved with this Simpleton. In fact, I'm going to take my own advice and leave this idiot alone so he can talk to the other two people that agree with him...his other aliases.
So noted. Talking to this guy is about like talking to GoldTurd!
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