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I'm gonna end this argument right now by pointing out the facts and leaving it at that.

SouthLink claims: -You said Saban was far from declaring that he was staying at LSU.
-You said LSU couldn't match the money that the nfl would offer.
-You said Saban would be there 2 to 3 years at the most.

Reality: -Saban has already declared he's staying
-LSU has not only matched but exceeded what the nfl offered
-if Saban signs that contract, he will most likely be there longer than 2 to 3

So that was the whole argument in a nutshell, there is no need to argue it any further. It's no big deal, you were wrong and I'm willing to drop it...period.

- Saban has not declared he is staying
- Bertman has already said they couldnt compete with NFL teams
- OU is a complete idiot who takes rumormills out to be facts.....I mean..LSU...I mean...OM... 03-lol 03-lol 03-lol
SouthLink02 Wrote:Reality

- Saban has not declared he is staying
- Bertman has already said they couldnt compete with NFL teams
- OU is a complete idiot who takes rumormills out to be facts.....I mean..LSU...I mean...OM... 03-lol 03-lol 03-lol
Damn, I provide you with the article and everything and you still refuse to acklowdge it. Denial, I guess?
You gave me a article from a rumor mill...again...another reason you are a complete moron who cant read whatsoever...thus going to LSWho 03-lol 03-lol 03-lol
SouthLink02 Wrote:You gave me a article from a rumor mill...again...another reason you are a complete moron who cant read whatsoever...thus going to LSWho 03-lol 03-lol 03-lol
I gave you articles with quotes (you know the sentences with these " "). Quotes are statements taken directly from a person, word for word......These quotes are from Saban himself.....So you see.......Oh nevermind, I can't deal with your extreme torpidity any longer..bye
And the idiot continues to speak...and cry 03-lol 03-lol 03-lol 03-lol
SouthLink02 Wrote:And the idiot continues to speak...and cry 03-lol 03-lol 03-lol 03-lol
Yea, but which one is he today? 03-confused 03-lol
10MAN Wrote:
SouthLink02 Wrote:And the idiot continues to speak...and cry  03-lol  03-lol  03-lol  03-lol
Yea, but which one is he today? 03-confused 03-lol
:lolup: :lolup: :lolup: :lolup: :lolup:

Didn't realize you were such a huge Trojan fan 03-lol

Nothing personal, buddy, but you Ole Miss guys are so jealous of LSU that it isn't even funny. Do you really think that it doesn't show?

Bottom-line: Ole Miss is the Boston Red Sox, and LSU is the New York Yankees. I guess if the situation were reversed, I'd hate Ole Miss, too. Gotta be honest about that.


[quote="Bayou Lou"]

Nothing personal, buddy, but you Ole Miss guys are so jealous of LSU that it isn't even funny.
Give me a break, dude. An Ole Miss fan comes on the LSU board w/ a pic saluting his newest, bestest ol' team, USC, and I'm not gonna respond to that? Seriously, how sad is that? He knows that his school can't compete on the national level like LSU, so he's resigned himself to giving a BJ to some school that he couldn't even give a rip about.

RebelKey, if you congratulated LSU on winning the BCS championship, then I'm obviously not talking about you. But I've known a lot of these posters since the old FansOnly days, and they are nothing but a bunch of jealous, no-class jerks. Btw, I haven't posted anything like this on the Ole Miss board, but if you come on the LSU site, I'm gonna set the record straight.

P.S. - One other thing. Most of you Rebels are always talking about how bad LSU fans are. Nick Saban said that he had more people give him the finger this year in Oxford, than in all the other games he's ever coached - COMBINED. In addition to this, a couple of LSU players, Spears and Hill, were the target of racial slurs from some trashy Ole Miss fans. Next time one of you jealous retards try to besmirch LSU's reputation, just know that you also have a small percentage of fans who are nothing but disgraceful ******-clowns.
LSU is the Yankees...without the huge history and many championships...right 03-confused
[quote="Bayou Lou"] Give me a break, dude.
SouthLink02 Wrote:LSU is the Yankees...without the huge history and many championships...right 03-confused
Compared to Ole Miss, LSU would be the New York Yankees. LSU has 2 NC's, and Ole Miss has -0-*.

Btw, SouthLink, I noticed that neither you or 10 have come on here to admit that you were wrong about Saban. He wasn't going anywhere, he didn't go anywhere. Once your wishful thinking was proven to be futile, looks to me like you would have at least admitted that you were wrong.

* Some of them will try to tell you that they have won multiple NC's, but they don't have any that were recognized by a reputable source.

First of all, congrats on the boy. Nice! I'm assuming that it's not a joke, even though you have him wearing a USC shirt.

Hey, if you want to have split loyalties that's up to you. I'm just glad that my one and only team can compete w/ the big boys, so I don't have to go out and find somebody else to be my national team.

As for who has ever congratulated whom, here's my record on that. The last time Ole Miss defeated LSU, I went on the Ole Miss board and congratulated the Rebels. In 2002, I posted on collegesports and congratulated Ole Miss on their upset win over Florida(main board). I did the same thing this year, btw.

Now, let's contrast that to what you have(or haven't) done. After LSU beat your little Rebels this year, all you had to say about my Tigers was "Fock 'em". Real classy, dude.

Finally, do you really want to compare winning a Cotton Bowl w/ winning the NC? Come on, bro. Nobody's buying that one. I was rooting for Ole Miss, btw, but let's face it. Winning an NC is special, and I guarantee you I would've been on the OM board offering my congrats if your team had just accomplished that feat. But of course, what should I expect from a guy who is so jealous of LSU that most of his sigs are devoted to trashing the Tigers(that peeing thing is first-class all the way).

Hey, if you want to worship a team other than Ole Miss, be my guest. Hell, who knows? If you send USC a large donation, maybe they'll send you an NC t-shirt or cap or something. I hope they do, b/c that's as close as you're ever going to get to knowing how it feels to support a national championship team.

P.S. - One more thing. You neeed to go back and re-read my initial post. The fan behavior exhibited by some Ole Miss fans at the LSU game this season was shameful. For a bunch of guys who are always trying to denigrate the LSU fan base(b/c what else can you do? You can't talk about on-the field achievements or recruiting, can you?), you've been exposed for what you are. A bunch of jealous hypocrites who can't stand the fact that their school will never soar to the heights of the LSU football program.

What did you name the boy? O.J.? :D
Bayou Lou Wrote:10,

First of all, congrats on the boy. Nice! I'm assuming that it's not a joke, even though you have him wearing a USC shirt.
No, it's not a joke, Lou, we had our second son on 12/22 and brought him home on Xmas Eve. Thanks, btw. 03-wink

And no, his name is not OJ, however, we did joke of maybe naming him Tommy, as in Tommy Trojan, since regardless of LSU's back-seat National Championship, that LSU will always be second fiddle to USC in 2003. 03-lol
Seriously, though, kid bruiser's name is Dylan, and thanks for the nice words. Hope you and yours had a nice Holiday Season.

As for the rest of your post, blah blah blah blah......it's the same ole material from you, Lou. Time to update the smack homework a bit. First, I don't recall really ever getting into that debate about Satan, err, Saban leaving LSU. I really couldn't give a rat's @$$ if he stays in hell or chooses to leave for the real players in the NFL. I really am not concerned with him.

Split ties? Well, ok, if you wanna put it that way but I really don't see it like that. You know where my true allegiance is, at least, I hope you've learned that over the years, Louie. USC is an adopted hobby, one introduced to me by a good friend several years ago and it has just kind of evolved into "support". But I do feel that I've spent enough time, money, and effort on them to celebrate USC winning the NC, regardless of what anyone thinks, I really don't care.

About the avatars, sigs in my posts, and such....man, if that really bothers you that much, then your skin is incredibly thinner than I ever thought it was. It's just a message board, Lou, people are going to have little funny getups that antagonize people from time to time. Get over it. I've seen some sigs that dog Ole Miss sometimes but you don't see me crying about it. :crying:

Now let's get down to business here, Lou....about LSU. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that LSU wasn't a good football team this season. If I did that, that would just make me look even more stupid than some of the LSU fans that I've come across lately. Not directed at you, Lou, but some of your cohorts on here lately were seemingly very neglectful in the classrooms growing up. Hell, one LSU fan on here even creates numerous optional aliases for himself and actually has conversations with each other, well, essentially I guess he's talking to himself. Haven't figured out the logic in that one yet, but anyway, I'm getting off topic.
About LSU, ok I'll say it. Congrats, Lou, on your Tiggers winning the NC, regardless if I feel differently on who deserved it more. I would've loved to have seen a USC-LSUx matchup yesterday, that would've completely shut all of the big mouth Cajuns up for good, well, at least until next season. :rolleyes:

At any rate, I'll give credit where credit is due, AND DESERVING. Most of your arrogant fans make it very hard to be congratulatory, Lou, even I think you would have to admit that. But I will offer it up to you, since you have been easily the classiest LSU fan I've ever known, so it's not hard to say it to you. You know I've never liked LSU, and I know you've never liked OM for the most part, but I've always tried to be respectful about LSU with you, and likewise with you on OM. However, your fans have been even tripled the arrogance this season as what they normally are, which you being an LSU fan might not be able to notice just how bad that really is. So, you'll forgive me if you've happened to see a few wrath-like commentaries and/or signatures from me lately. It's not about being classless and not congratulating LSU, Lou, it's about being worthy of being congratulated.


Bayou Lou Wrote:Compared to Ole Miss, LSU would be the New York Yankees.  LSU has 2 NC's, and Ole Miss has -0-*.
That's where you're wrong sport.
Well said, 10MAN. Our spats have been few and far between over the years, and that's okay w/ me. Believe it or not, I do (for the most part) have a sufficiently high I.Q. to understand the relative importance, or lack thereof, of a sports message board. To be totally honest, I had never heard you speak of having any fondness for the Trojans, so I initially took the Trojan sig as simply a slap in the face to LSU's achievements this year. I'll concede that I was wrong about that, but I didn't know about your allegiance to SC.

Btw, I would've loved to have played one more game this year. Unlike you, I won't profess to knowing who would've won. However, w/ LSU's defense I honestly believe we would've had our chances for victory.

Glad we had this exchange, though, b/c I wouldn't have known about the baby otherwise. Give my regards to your wife. Dylan, huh? As in the 90210 Beverly Hills Dylan? 10MAN, you've done up and gone Hollywood on us! I just hope your boy grows up to be an Ole Miss fan, as opposed to those Rodeo Drive Trojans 03-lol

P.S. - If I really am the classiest LSU fan you've ever come across, then I feel your pain 04-cheers
Bayou Lou Wrote:Btw, I would've loved to have played one more game this year. Unlike you, I won't profess to knowing who would've won. However, w/ LSU's defense I honestly believe we would've had our chances for victory.
LOL!! My prediction of USC definitely beating LSU in my last post was just a little tongue-in-cheek. In fact, in another post(on the OM board) I did say that if USC and LSU played 10 times in consecutive weeks, that the record would most likely be 5-5. Both teams are just too good to compare without lining them up on the ole gridiron and letting them rip each others' heads off for four quarters. Both teams were equally deserving of the NC, it's just too bad for both the LSU and USC fans that there won't be a "tie-breaker" so one wouldn't have to share the title with the other. I know how bad LSU wanted it on their own, and I also know how bad the USC fans feel like they were stripped of a Sugar Bowl berth. The one good result from this is that there should most likely be some changes made to the BcS system once the contract is up. They've been very lucky with their formula up until now, but it has finally bit them in the a$$ after 6 years, just like many predicted it would.

But nonetheless, my props go out to your Tigers, Lou, they were damn good this season. Think you gotta admit that my Rebs weren't half bad either, losing to the eventual NCs by a mere 3 points? 3 points away from Atlanta....we'll be back, though. 03-wink

I've never questioned your IQ, Lou, only your alma mater. 03-lol But some of the others trolling this board? Yikes!

I confess, I never really talked up the Trojans too much on the other board, so I understand your not knowing about my second-hand support for the Trojans. But you know I had to give you a little grief over it. 03-lol

Take care of yourself, Bud, and please come back around here more often. This board could use a little classy, intellectual LSU representation. 04-cheers

BTW, who in the hell are you talking about from BH 90210? I never watched that show, but am familiar with it. I can assure you, though, that my son is not named after anyone from that show. 03-lol And if I have gone Hollywood, I can guarantee you that the country boy in me would still not allow me to pronounce that Ro-day-yo Drive. I'd still be calling it Ro-dee-o Drive. 03-lol
Bayou Lou Wrote:
SouthLink02 Wrote:LSU is the Yankees...without the huge history and many championships...right  03-confused
Compared to Ole Miss, LSU would be the New York Yankees. LSU has 2 NC's, and Ole Miss has -0-*.

Btw, SouthLink, I noticed that neither you or 10 have come on here to admit that you were wrong about Saban. He wasn't going anywhere, he didn't go anywhere. Once your wishful thinking was proven to be futile, looks to me like you would have at least admitted that you were wrong.

* Some of them will try to tell you that they have won multiple NC's, but they don't have any that were recognized by a reputable source.
When did I argue he wasnt going anywhere genius? Your idiot friend (note idiot usually goes with the LSU fans on this site) said he wasnt going anywhere because a rumor mill said so and then said Saban HAD SAID HE WAS 100% STAYING without any doubt except that he said...just could never give me a site or place to show he did.

Wow...lack of reading is quite sad with you
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