my wife and i bought a house in the bohemian district of cincinnati. her vagabond twin sister is living with us before she joins the air force or moves to austin, san francisco to sell trinkets or what have you. or maybe she's going back to school for another graduate degree. she was cooking up chicken feet yesterday for a broth. it wasn't a pleasant smell and it was too chilly to open the windows.
so the point of this thread is to get a million views. i'm using this thread to start the, count up?
if a thread has had a million views, please disregard
ok. nevermind this thread
edit. actually, funk what i said earlier about nevermind this thread! let's see if we can get this sucka to a million! yeah!
not sure the point of this, but add it to the list of pointless things I've done
I don't think its gonna make it.
Where is the bohemian district of Cincinnati?
Hey, I've got to contribute toward my fellow Bearcats supporter's thread to reach one million views. 5 down and 999,995 views to go is not insurmountable...
where is the sex with carrots?
Ok, I'm in. But you have a lot of faith in the longevity of this site.
I'm really confused. That said, I'll try to look at this thread as much as I can.
so i was at the new guv'ment bar downtown and had a delicious soma cocktail. the mixologist was properly trained and thorough. i said to the man seated next to me and pointed at me and said, "i'll have what he's having."
(05-18-2014 05:28 PM)AngryAphid Wrote: [ -> ]Where is the bohemian district of Cincinnati?
northside. the neighborhood is called northside.
and i just found out that the neighboring house is a halfway house. i tried to explain that to my wife whom grewth in north ohio by neil armsostrong
(05-22-2014 12:39 AM)Lush Wrote: [ -> ]and i just found out that the neighboring house is a halfway house. i tried to explain that to my wife whom grewth in north ohio by neil armsostrong
That’s near Lake St. Mary’s…. been there a few times.
(05-22-2014 08:08 AM)AngryAphid Wrote: [ -> ] (05-22-2014 12:39 AM)Lush Wrote: [ -> ]and i just found out that the neighboring house is a halfway house. i tried to explain that to my wife whom grewth in north ohio by neil armsostrong
That’s near Lake St. Mary’s…. been there a few times.
oh heavens! you can't even swim there these days! some flesh eating algae or something not so sinister but equally as problematic as you can't swim in it.
Neil Armstrong also lived in Indian Hill (an affluent Cincinnati suburb for those outside the area). He also apparently lived outside of Lebanon, Ohio at some point where he fell off a tractor and cut the tip off his ring finger.
he got off easy. my wife's grandfather lost both hands do to a farming incident. lebanon's a sweet town. i just read on wikipedia (yesterday) that springfield ohio was voted in 2010 as the nation's most miserable city
(05-30-2014 10:40 AM)Lush Wrote: [ -> ]he got off easy. my wife's grandfather lost both hands do to a farming incident. lebanon's a sweet town. i just read on wikipedia (yesterday) that springfield ohio was voted in 2010 as the nation's most miserable city
I'd rather live in Springfield than Youngstown or Detroit.
Springfield has better weather than both and it is not that far to drive to Cincinnati or Columbus.
There are some nice neighborhoods on the outskirts of Springfield.
i haven't been to springfield but have a buddy who lives there. been to youngstown, good donuts. and detroit, been there. i'd rather live in detroit. if you know what you're doing, you could make quite a money. detroit is the first test for the nation. rebuilding a giant city
(05-30-2014 11:00 AM)CliftonAve Wrote: [ -> ] (05-30-2014 10:40 AM)Lush Wrote: [ -> ]he got off easy. my wife's grandfather lost both hands do to a farming incident. lebanon's a sweet town. i just read on wikipedia (yesterday) that springfield ohio was voted in 2010 as the nation's most miserable city
I'd rather live in Springfield than Youngstown or Detroit.
Springfield has better weather than both and it is not that far to drive to Cincinnati or Columbus.
There are some nice neighborhoods on the outskirts of Springfield.
You couldn't pay me to live in Detroit (past or present). My Dad worked there for about 20 years. Now Grand Rapids, Michigan...I could live there.
grand rapids is indeed great, but to be honest, you could pay me live practically anywhere. i spent a weekend with some couchsurfers in detroit a few years ago and had a blast. if detroit was a stock, i'd buy a lot at its current price. things can only go up