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<a href='http://www.tigerstadium.com/quotes/lsu3.swf' target='_blank'>"Death Valley"</a>
I don't have any desire to click on that link, but I'm sure you are referring to LSpuke's stadium. You know, the one Ole Miss has part ownership of. 03-lol You can have it, though, it's a dump and it reeks of corndogs....at least when your fans are in it. 03-puke
10MAN Wrote:I don't have any desire to click on that link, but I'm sure you are referring to LSpuke's stadium. You know, the one Ole Miss has part ownership of. 03-lol You can have it, though, it's a dump and it reeks of corndogs....at least when your fans are in it. 03-puke

Lets just say it is a good recruiting tool.
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