
Full Version: Cali says no to Obama
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Wow. Mr. Federal Government womb to tomb tries to turn over his disaster to states to handle and the Communist State of California says "no!". I'd put a hystrically laughing emoticon here if it wasnt so sad and hurtful to all the people he knowingly lied to.

Folks, I told you this Clusterbomb of a Candidate from Chicago was bad news. It's how it plays here but it only has to do so within the confines of Chicago, then Cook County and then to the borders of Illinois.

As you go further out from the epicenter their ability to control and manipulate reduces some. That's why Chicago is called "The City that works". They have a plan, execute it or you if you don't oblige and they keep their lil Cabal to themselves. It's like Al Capone all over again. However, it's all dressed up in a suit, with wing tip shoes and a full length all wool dress coat. No sign of bumbling blue collar union thugs. They just sit in their Street and Sans (short of Sanitation) trucks and sleep half the day. Then collect $100K pensions for life. See, the suites run it, the street army enforces it and they get a insured cut. It "Works"!

But fortunately the Illinois border doesnt extend past the Mississippi R or south of the Ohio R or east of Lake Michigan. But having elected this dope this country is getting an lung full of this horse manure known as Chicago Politics.

How's it smelling now Peeps? Take a deep breath and really take it in.

Now try and have the doctor you know and trust who is no longer in "your plan" address that resultant lung tumor.

I try to avoid political banter at all costs... but this is such an I told you so moment. I have friends who are married to teachers who swallowed this big spoon of Obama from day one... Everyone who wasn't on board "hated america".... ok... whatever folks... I also have friends from Chicago who absolutely LOATH Obama... Obama won the Chicago vote on the backs of the have-nots. The flat out lies that spew from this guys mouth on a daily basis is unprecedented...

Did I NOT hear him state vehemently that he would be removing our soldiers from Iraq AND Afghanistan within the year? Hmmm... cue headline from this week stating that we are going to keep boots on the ground for the unforeseeable future in Afghanistan... I knew that would be the case ... but Obama needed to say it to help win an election knowing full well that he wouldn't be able to actually make it happen...

The worst thing of all is that we now are stuck with a government in Neutral because the Republicans want nothing to do with anything this buffoon puts on the table. That helps NOONE. Oh well... thanks for letting me have my rare political rant.
Quote:On Tuesday (Nov 18,2013), CMS's deputy chief information officer, Henry Chao, author of the "crash" email, told a congressional panel that 30 to 40 percent of the federal marketplace was still under construction.

Another No Bid contract
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