38-2 in last 40. Ranked #24 in Saarinen rankings. 20,000 average, a traveling fanbase. ESPN GAMEDAY.
What is your problem MAC?
We already beat you for recruits.
While I respect the NDSU program, let's slow this down.
1. Geographically makes zero sense. They are 600 miles from the closest school, NIU. Which btw is isolated compared to the rest
2. NDSU has to say they want to be FBS
3. FCS wins don't always relate to make the jump
4. Since when are you beating the MAC for recruits?
Beating MAC for recruits and chest thumping on a 38-2 record in Division 2. LMAO!
(11-20-2013 11:01 PM)lakesbison Wrote: [ -> ]38-2 in last 40. Ranked #24 in Saarinen rankings. 20,000 average, a traveling fanbase. ESPN GAMEDAY.
What is your problem MAC?
We already beat you for recruits.
38-2 in what? 20,000 average in what? Hoops, hockey, football, volleyball, field hockey? Think before you write and clarify your statements. And isn't Saarinen the evil force in the Lord of the Rings trilogy? Didn't know he ranked whatever sports you're talking about.
We only take schools from this country.
NDSU? North Delaware State University?
OK - I know North Dakota State University. You know, you might have a problem coming from the NCAA. They have been requiring universities with Native American mascots and names to change or be restricted from post-season and TV. The North Dakota Fighting Sioux had to change, and now are going with no mascot.
But how long do you think the NCAA will let you keep the 'Dakota' name? That's Native American too. I'm sure they'll be coming after you.
(11-26-2013 12:43 PM)Slinkin Street Flash Wrote: [ -> ]But how long do you think the NCAA will let you keep the 'Dakota' name? That's Native American too. I'm sure they'll be coming after you.
Its mascots, you get to keep Native American names if they are baked into the placename ~ eg, neither THE Miami University on the Miami River, or the University of Miami in the City of Miami have to change.
What I'm wondering is why NDSU is afraid to move to Illinois? If there was a school like that located in Illinois, the MAC would take them in a heartbeat.
Quote: And isn't Saarinen the evil force in the Lord of the Rings trilogy? Didn't know he ranked whatever sports you're talking about.
Now that made me laugh.
(01-09-2014 04:03 PM)Big_Man Wrote: [ -> ]Quote: And isn't Saarinen the evil force in the Lord of the Rings trilogy? Didn't know he ranked whatever sports you're talking about.
Now that made me laugh.
That is good stuff right there...
NDSU finally lost.
53-2 5-0 vs FBS (2 big 12 & big 10)
3 national titles
2 espn. Game days!!!
2 NCAA basketball big dances in 5 years and a WIN in it this year.
20,000 crazy loud dome football
6600 $44 million basketball arena.
This is the M-A-C. . You are looking for the M-W-C.
MAC too far away. MWC closer.
Think about it: Boise or Buffalo?
I would actually love to add North Dakota State. Most of these MAC fans complain about having to drive 30 miles to work, so why wouldn't we expect to already see them commenting about the travel distance between NDSU and NIU? But I would suspect the 3-time defending FCS champions wouldn't be in thd MAC very long before moving to a "better" conference.
(11-13-2014 05:31 AM)John52168 Wrote: [ -> ]I would actually love to add North Dakota State. Most of these MAC fans complain about having to drive 30 miles to work, so why wouldn't we expect to already see them commenting about the travel distance between NDSU and NIU? But I would suspect the 3-time defending FCS champions wouldn't be in thd MAC very long before moving to a "better" conference.
They would need a bigger stadium for that. I wouldn't mind having NDSU in the MAC but I'm not the one travelling there or paying for it. They'd be a good addition for football but then we'd have to add somebody else too and that further divides what little money we get.
(11-30-2013 06:30 PM)BruceMcF Wrote: [ -> ]What I'm wondering is why NDSU is afraid to move to Illinois? If there was a school like that located in Illinois, the MAC would take them in a heartbeat.
Nominated for post of this thread. Well done!
Quote:38-2 in last 40. Ranked #24 in Saarinen rankings. 20,000 average, a traveling fanbase. ESPN GAMEDAY.
What is your problem MAC?
We already beat you for recruits.
Sagarin ratings should be taken with a grain of salt. Very ridiculous on it's D1AA / D1A comparison ratings meshed. I can understand having NDState kinda high in with good G5s, but it's pretty silly they've put N Iowa up there from the get go -- losing to a bad Hawaii team (close doesn't count when playing an under .500 G5) -- yet still above many good G5s. Nuts.
But NDState is a legit team and would be a top-tier G5 from the get-go. Why not? Geographic distance. Northern Iowa would be a better addition, but even that's still a bit too far for total comfort.
I would want to see NDState & Northern Iowa join the MAC -- good for both sports, as it'd only make their football teams & attendance better. Just location is the issue, really.
NDSU back for a 4th straight title. 57-3 now. Beat 8 FBS teams.
NDSU YOUNGSTOWN WITH PELINI could be added tomorrow and help the exposure of the MAC football wise for sure, hell basketball and Olympics sports too. So it's a freaking plane ride. Oh big deal!
(12-21-2014 10:44 PM)lakesbison Wrote: [ -> ]NDSU back for a 4th straight title. 57-3 now. Beat 8 FBS teams.
NDSU YOUNGSTOWN WITH PELINI could be added tomorrow and help the exposure of the MAC football wise for sure, hell basketball and Olympics sports too. So it's a freaking plane ride. Oh big deal!
My vote is meaningless, but I'd love to see you guys added. I watched your game against Sam Houston State and was really impressed with your on-field product and the fan following.
Good luck against Illinois State.